Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1431 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1431 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (1)

So hungry
When Yun Si regained consciousness again, she only felt overwhelming hunger.

His stomach was empty, and he was so hungry that it seemed that his stomach and intestines were twisted together and twisted into hemp rope.

She slowly opened her eyes, closed them, and opened them again.

Dim vision, dim light, and a strong sense of hunger made her head dizzy, and she couldn't see her surroundings clearly.

I wanted to move, but the crisp sound of chains came from my ears.

Shaking, her arms were bound so tightly that she couldn't move.

Such a thin and pitiful little girl sat on the ground, closed her eyes, and relaxed for a while.

She didn't open her eyes again until she felt the full amount of demon power gradually merge into this thin and sickly body, dispelling some of the confusion in her consciousness, and slowly looked around.

This is a closed room.

Or rather, a secret room.

The secret room was empty, with nothing in it.

There were only two chains on the wall, one on the left and one on the right, firmly binding her hands, forcing her to assume a posture with her hands open.

Because there are no lights in the room, the light is dim.

Yun Si narrowed her eyes and watched for a long time before she almost got used to the environment.

Unable to move, she looked down at herself.

She was wearing a white prison uniform, which looked very large compared to her thin body.

Perhaps it hadn't been washed for a long time, and the prison uniform was dirty and stained with unknown dust.

When I smell it carefully, I feel that there is still an unpleasant sour smell on it, as if the clothes soaked in sweat have been fermented for several days.

Yun Si wrinkled her nose and moved her hands involuntarily.

The chains bound her, and her hands could not hang down, nor could they be retracted.

I can only maintain such a posture with my hands open for a long time, and it hurts endlessly.

She twisted her arms and stood up slowly.

Moving my sore muscles and bones, looking around, the empty stomach and hunger surged again.

Her body seemed to have not eaten for three days.

She licked the corners of her dry lips, trying to sort out her memory.

Unexpectedly, the closed door of the secret room suddenly opened with a bang.

Bright light instantly shone into the entire secret room.

The sound of human footsteps followed, with the sound of cold metal swords colliding.

The girl who was forced to lean against the wall, her eyes were stimulated by the light, and she squinted subconsciously.

I wanted to raise my hand to block it, but I forgot that my hand was bound by an iron chain and couldn't move.

The delicate skin has been peeled off by the iron chain, and it is red.

With a slight movement, a burning pain came, which made her frown involuntarily.

I saw someone coming in from outside, it was a person dressed as a lieutenant general.

Dressed in armor, with a sword on his waist, thick eyebrows and high temples, and a cold face.

He stood in front of Yun Si, holding the hilt of his sword in his hand, looking at her with a cold voice.

"Your Highness, have you considered it?"


Consider what?
Seeing her, the man froze for a moment, then said in a deep voice:

"As long as Her Royal Highness is willing to marry His Majesty, then you can go out immediately and enjoy your life of glory, wealth, and pampering again."

"I don't know how you think about it?"

"." She was silent for a while.

"It seems that the princess is unwilling?"

The man sneered, and then said to the outside: "Come on, get the whip."

"I'd like to see if the princess has a tougher integrity or a tougher mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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