Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1432 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1432 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (2)

Yun Si: "..."

"At the end of the day, I will ask again, is the princess willing or unwilling?"

The girl who was bound under the chain looked at the barbed whip that was sent in.

The next second, she nodded.

"Okay, I will."

Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, wait for her to go out first.

The deputy general seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, and there was no surprise on his face.

After all, such a delicate little princess, no matter how strong she is, starves her for two or three days, and then pretends to torture her, she will naturally be afraid.

As long as you are afraid, it will be much easier.

With a lift of his chin, he motioned for the guards to undo her chains.

The guard had a cold face and ignored the injury on her wrist, acting very rudely.

The little princess, who had been tied up for several days, hissed, and finally she was able to withdraw her hand, looking at her worn wrist.

She was barefoot and twisted her wrists.

Soon, a medicine bottle was handed to her, coldly.

"This, eat."

"...What is this?"

"Jianjiwan, a kind of poison."

He didn't shy away from it.

As he spoke, he smiled slightly.

"After taking it, this medicine will make your whole body convulse, your internal organs will turn upside down, and you will die in pain. Only by taking the antidote on time every month can you live healthy."

"So when the time comes, Her Royal Highness needs to be obedient and take medicine."

"." The delicate little princess held her wrist and looked at him.

I understand, he is trying to control her with poison and turn her into a puppet beside the emperor.

She was silent for a moment and took it.

He poured one out of the medicine bottle and swallowed it right in front of him.

The lieutenant then handed over his hands and saluted her.

"Since this is the case, the auspicious time has come. Your Royal Highness is ready to enter the palace."

When the voice fell, Yun Si was pushed out.

Pulling hard, as if afraid that she would run away.

Two hours later.

Yun Si was wearing a red hijab and an ill-fitting red wedding dress, sitting on a sedan chair, twisting her sore wrists.

Listening to the lively suona sound outside, she slowly sorted out her memory, thinking about the background of this world.

Anle, as she was called, is the seventh and youngest daughter of Emperor Xiangrui.

Because of her young age and good birth, Emperor Xiangrui doted on her so much that she was born with an arrogant and self-indulgent temperament, arrogant and arrogant, and looked down on everyone.

But no one is lucky all the time.

After Princess Anle was 16 years old, according to the agreement, Xiangrui Kingdom needed to send a princess to Longyuan Kingdom as a marriage mate.

Long Yuan Country is the most powerful country in the mainland, and Xiang Rui Country has always been its subsidiary country.

Because of the disparity in status and identities, Xiang Ruiguo must present the most honorable princess.

Therefore, the marriage fell on Princess Anle who had been loved and loved since childhood.

It's not that Emperor Xiangrui didn't think of a way, thinking of replacing the civet cat with the prince, or replacing him with another daughter.

However, the envoys of the Long Yuan Kingdom had already inquired about the news, and the name of the high-spirited place was Princess Anle.

Princess Anle is beautiful and flamboyant, and her reputation has spread all over the world.

So even if Emperor Xiangrui wanted to exchange the civet cat for the prince, it was impossible.

There was no way, Princess Anle could only be sent on the road to Longyuan Kingdom while crying.

Along the way, after Princess Anle learned that she was going to marry the old emperor of Long Yuanguo who could be her father, she kept making noises and was unwilling to marry far away.

(End of this chapter)

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