Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1433 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1433 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (3)

In order not to marry, she even lost her manners as a princess. She cried, made trouble, and hanged herself, all the way.

In the end, when he came to Fenyang, the capital of the Longyuan Kingdom, he was ordered to be locked up by the ruling regent because he tried to escape.

She was locked in a secret room all the time and forced her to marry.

Princess An Le was unwilling until she entered this body.

Yun Si squeezed her sore shoulder, lifted her hijab and threw it aside.

The matchmaker sitting in the sedan chair looked at her casual look, quickly picked up the hijab, put it on her body again, and said:

"His Royal Highness, just bear with it, you will be fine once you enter the palace, and your hard days will be over."

"Yes, princess, just bear with it."

Her little maid Ah Chun said with teary eyes.

"Be patient, be patient, be patient."

"." Yun Si moved her lips, "Ah Chun, the old he sick?"

Ah Chun was taken aback, and then hissed: "Princess, be careful what you say, and be careful that the walls have ears."

Yun Si lifted the hijab.

"I heard that the reason for forcing me to get married this time is because the old emperor will die soon?"

Now the matchmaker is also in a hurry: "Princess! Don't say that! If someone hears this, it is a big taboo."

Ah Chun also nodded quickly.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows and leaned on the sedan chair.

Her beautiful lips were slightly hooked.

The current emperor of the Longyuan Kingdom, because of his pursuit of immortality in his early years, has already ruined his body and has been bedridden all year round.

But a country cannot be without a king for a day, and the emperor cannot rule, and there are always people who stand up.

Therefore, under the order of the dynasty, King Pei Jie of Qin became a veritable regent.

He has been in control of the government for several years, with military power in hand, and all courtiers are headed by him.

It can be regarded as the regent in name, and the emperor in the true sense.

As for the old emperor lying on the sickbed, even if he had realized this, it was useless.

After all, he was dying.

Therefore, the old emperor once announced in public that his only son, Nangong Han, would be crown prince, who would inherit the throne after his death.

Under the eyes of everyone, if Pei Jie, a courtier with a foreign surname, did not assist Nangong Han Dengdi, he would seek to codify the throne, which would attract criticism.

This method was his last card, obviously he wanted Pei Jie to assist his youngest son to become emperor.

But of course Pei Jie would not delegate power easily, so he arranged this scene of the princess getting married.

Princess Anle married the old emperor, and her name was Chongxi.

But Nangong Han's mother was already dead. As soon as the old emperor died, Princess Anle would become the Queen Mother and Nangong Han's adoptive mother.

At that time, as long as Princess Anle accidentally kills Nangong Han in the process of raising Nangong Han.
Then it will be logical for Pei Jie to inherit the great rule.

That's why the vice will force her to take poison.

She will play the most important pawn role in this battle for imperial power.

If you are disobedient, it will naturally easily affect the chess game.

Yun Si leaned on the sedan chair, her eyes closed, she was thinking.

I just felt that the sedan chair had stopped, as if it had already entered the palace.

Ah Chun quickly put the red hijab on her.

"Princess, at this juncture, you must not lose your temper."

She said in a low voice: "If the trouble becomes serious and the royal family loses face, then our country will suffer."

".What's the situation now?"

(End of this chapter)

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