Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1434 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1434 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (4)

Ah Chun lifted the curtain and glanced outside.

"Princess, it's time for you to get out of the sedan chair."

After all, Princess Anle is still the princess of a country, and she is also a famous beauty.

Although Long Yuanguo got married to celebrate the old emperor's happiness, the proper etiquette is still there.

So, when she was helped out of the sedan chair, she touched someone's hand.

Covered with a red hijab, she paused.

The front view was blocked, but she could still look down.

Seeing the purple robe, the cloud sleeves with black patterns, and the jade ring fingers on the slender and distinct hands.

A cool feeling.

She blinked and saw the jade badge tied around his waist.

She held his hand at once and lifted the red hijab.

She met a pair of gloomy and terrifying phoenix eyes.

With a flirtatious and handsome face, cold eyebrows, and a breath as cold as a ghost.

Standing there, looking down at her.

Bitter cold.

The princess with light red makeup grabbed his hand, looked at him, and shook her head.

"I don't want to marry."

"Pei Jie, I don't want to marry him."

There was dead silence all around.

Ah Chun stood behind, his eyes were about to pop out.

Who doesn't know that the regent hates women to the extreme.

The person who accidentally touched him last time was skinned by him on the spot and thrown into the frying pan.


Ah Chun was so frightened that she immediately stepped forward and pulled Princess An Le away.

"Princess, don't make trouble!"

She hurriedly put her red hijab back on.

"My lord, Your Highness the Princess is not sensible, please be an adult, don't argue with the little princess."

She knelt in front of Pei Jie and begged for mercy.

The cold and handsome Prince Regent's gaze fell on the little princess with the red hijab.

The aura on his body was cold, and his phoenix eyes were as dark as ghosts.

Like someone walking out of the dead.

The little princess who was covered with a red hijab lifted up the obtrusive cloth again, revealing her stunningly beautiful face.

The red lips are soft and the eyes are moist.

She came over again, took his hand, held him tightly, and shook her head with her fair face.

"Pei Jie, I don't want to marry, okay?"

"I don't want to marry that old emperor."

His terrifyingly dark phoenix eyes just looked at her coldly, as if looking at a stranger.

The fingers are also very cold, without a trace of warmth.

The poor little beauty looked up at him, with tears in her eyes and a reddish nose.

It looked pitiful.

It's a pity that the cold-hearted Prince Regent has never been interested in beauties.

Withdrawing her hand, her bright red lips parted slightly, and she said lightly, "Come here, send the empress back to the bedroom."

"Yes, my lord."

"." The poor little beauty, with slightly red eyes, was forcibly sent to Zhaoyang Palace.

The door snapped shut.

The guard outside the door stood guard coldly with a knife.

Inside the door, the little beauty stood there with red eyes, motionless.

Soon, she withdrew her expression.

I don't even know what to think.

Ah Chun knew she was sad, so he held her arm and comforted her.

"Princess, this is the end of the matter, you just admit it"

"The ceremony has been completed, the name has been sealed, you are now the honorable empress, what's wrong with that?"

Ah Chun looked outside, lowered his voice and continued: "Actually, the princess can rest assured, the servants have already inquired about it, the old emperor was injured, and he will die a long time ago."

"Even if he wants to come tonight's bridal chamber wedding night, he won't be able to come."

"So the princess can live here with peace of mind, as long as this is her own home."

(End of this chapter)

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