Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1435 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1435 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (5)

"My lord said that as long as you are obedient and follow his orders, the princess will definitely let you go and let you go."

"So princess, don't be so petty, and stay at ease, do you think it's okay?"

Princess Anle turned her head, her eyes were slightly cold.

"To shut up."

Dog man, how dare he marry her to another man.


Princess Anle sat down and slammed the table hard.

Almost instantly, there was a crackling sound.

Ah Chun was so scared that he immediately covered his mouth and didn't dare to say another word.

As for Yun Si, she slowly clenched her fist.

On the other side, the Imperial Study Room.

The man in the dark purple robe pinched the delicate pen with his pale long fingers, tapped the black ink, and then wrote on the rice paper.

Vigorous and powerful characters slowly emerged.

The lieutenant who escorted Princess An Le into the sedan chair knelt in front of her, bowing her head.

"My lord, I heard that Princess Anle offended you just now. This rudeness is due to the negligence of the last general. I didn't warn the princess in advance. Please forgive me."

The cold man standing on the imperial desk had pale and coquettish features.

The deep black phoenix eyes are faint, and the red lips are bright.

It's so cold that it doesn't look like a person, but like a ghost crawling out of the water.

He wrote slowly and wrote for a long time.

After a long time, the lieutenant lowered his head, his scalp was already numb, and his back was covered with cold sweat, only then did he hear a cool tone and asked:
"Did she take the pill?"

The lieutenant immediately replied: "I have taken it, and my subordinates watched her take it."

The cold and handsome man did not speak.

The slender and pale hands slowly put down the pen, and the terrifying phoenix eyes are faint.

I don't know what to think.

The lieutenant lowered his head and said: "If the prince wants to trigger the poison in advance, the subordinates will make arrangements to let that desperate woman suffer a little, so that she will know how to obey."

"Oh?" The pale and flirtatious Prince Regent lowered his eyelashes, playing with his jade wrench, his tone a little moody.

The deputy general didn't dare to figure out his thoughts, so he lowered his head even more.

I almost buried my head in the ground.

The imperial study room was very quiet, a bit too quiet.

The cold and sickly man didn't speak for a long time.

The movements were slow and orderly, and there was a deadly and terrifying aura on his body.

Like a ghost from hell.

After a long, long time, he finally spoke, and his tone was so cold.

He said lightly, "Here is the antidote."

The lieutenant was taken aback.

But soon, he reacted immediately, hurriedly took it out of his pocket and offered it.

The cold and handsome man's eyes fell on the porcelain bottle.

Unpredictable mood.

A quarter of an hour later, Lieutenant General Wei Liang came out with an expression of survivors, and stood outside the imperial study, pressing his heart.

Eunuch Lin, who was guarding the door, couldn't help laughing.

"General Wei, isn't the prince in a good mood today? Why do you have this expression?"

Wei Liang sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

"It was good at first, but since Princess An Le touched the prince, the prince has-"

"In short, it's not clear, the prince's mind is hard to guess."

He sighed.

After all, the little princess was not treated in any way.

Moreover, the prince also said just now that everything will be given according to the queen's specifications, and no negligence is allowed.

Now, Wei Liang couldn't understand what the prince was thinking.

That ignorant little princess was just a pawn, very insignificant.

Now that she is stepping on his big taboo like this, it's fine if he doesn't make trouble, but he still——

(End of this chapter)

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