Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1438 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1438 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (8)

Xia Lian smiled and said: "Just now, the father-in-law sent the news that His Majesty is still asleep, so there is no need for the princess to greet you for the time being."

Ah Chun was stunned.

"Well, it's better for the princess to sleep more."

She became quiet again.

Inside Zhaoyang Palace.

Under the misty silk gauze tent.

The sleeping little princess had soft red lips, slightly red and swollen, her skirt was half exposed, revealing her white and alluring shoulders.

Just now when Ah Chun came to quarrel with her, she just frowned and didn't move.

The quilt was covered again, and there seemed to be bite marks on her pink and tender fingers.

She fell into a deep sleep, not knowing anything about it.

Shou'an Palace.

The Shou'an Hall where the old emperor lived was surrounded by soldiers guarding it because of the need for quietness, and idlers were not allowed to enter.

Only a group of imperial physicians stood guard outside, and the father-in-laws who were accompanying them went in to wash the emperor as usual.

Soon, the father-in-laws came out.

Seeing the figure in the purple robe standing at the door, he immediately knelt down and saluted.

The old emperor's confidant, Eunuch Hua, stood in front of his head, hunched over and trembling.

"My lord, Your Majesty wants to see Princess An Le today."

"Oh?" The cold figure played with the jade wrench unhurriedly, with a calm tone.

"Your Majesty is feeling better?"

His voice was cool.

The chief physician at the side quickly bowed his head: "Go back to your lord, Your Majesty slept for seven hours yesterday, and his energy is better."

"It's just that because of the medicine, I fell asleep again."

The handsome prince standing with his hands behind his back had a sickly pale face, his long eyelashes were faint, and his bright red lips snorted slightly.

The breath on his body was as cold as a water ghost.

"Since His Majesty has fallen asleep, the Princess naturally doesn't have to come."

"Eunuch Hua, what do you think?"

Eunuch Hua nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, the prince naturally said yes."

"Your Majesty has already fallen asleep. Naturally, no one can disturb you. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

The regent's dark and menacing eyes fell on him, staring at him.

"With Eunuch Hua here, I am at ease."

There was a lot of meaning in his tone.

Eunuch Hua smiled apologetically, holding his whisk on his arm, his body bent all the time.

"My lord, don't worry."

While the two were talking, a young eunuch hurriedly ran over from a distance.

He ran to the cold and handsome regent, knelt down and saluted.

"My lord, the little prince is making trouble again, arguing with the master, and he doesn't want to study."

The regent lowered his eyelids, his face was pale, and he looked a bit more sinister than the snake.

The extremely pale long fingers are still playing with the jade ring finger leisurely, with a leisurely and indifferent posture.

He raised his bright red lips slightly, and smiled strangely.

"I'm not listening again"

"The disobedient children really need to be punished."

His smile was pale and sickly.

"Go and call him."

"Yes, my lord."

The little eunuch lowered his head, feeling tense in his heart.

The last time the little prince was punished to face the wall of the ice room for three whole days, his body was stiff when he came out, and he almost didn't survive.

Now I don't know what the prince has to do
He bowed his head and stepped back.

Yun Si slept until noon, and then slowly woke up, lying on the bed, motionless.

His eyes are squinted, like a fox that hasn't woken up, his bright red lips are slightly pursed, and his shoulders are slightly shrunk.

As soon as she moved, the soreness in her waist swept over like a flood, and her little feet were so stimulated that they tensed up.

(End of this chapter)

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