Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1439 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1439 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (9)

Really, it hurts.
The little goblin frowned and rubbed her waist with difficulty.

It was so sore that she felt that her lower body was not her own.

The silk belt used to tie her was still there, and it was discarded there casually.

The little goblin lay on the bed for a while, slowly soothing her body with her demon power, and then she felt better.

At least, I can get out of bed and walk.

She rubbed her waist, sat up, and straightened her gauze skirt.

She didn't make a sound until it seemed that nothing was wrong, and called Ah Chun.

Ah Chun came in quickly, followed by a group of court ladies.

"Princess, you are finally awake."

The ladies of the palace held basins, opened the windows, and began to tidy up the palace.

Sitting barefoot on the bed, the little princess squinted at the sky outside and asked:
"What time is it now?"

Ah Chun brought her a hot towel: "Princess, it's already noon, it's time for lunch."

She wiped her face and said nothing.

Rubbing her waist, she slowly put on her shoes.

The life in Zhaoyang Temple is luxurious and enjoyable.

The little princess quickly adapted to such a life.

Under the service of everyone, she had lunch.

Xia Lian sent her some books to relieve boredom, and let her read them at will.

Xia Lian said: "Princess, His Majesty is sleeping now, you don't need to go to pay your respects yet."

"But when His Majesty wakes up, according to the rules, you must go to pay your respects and let His Majesty see you, so please ask the princess to make preparations earlier."

Sitting there, the little princess flipped through the books she sent and asked, "What can I do to prepare?"

"Your Majesty is seriously ill, I can't wear heavy makeup, I just put on light makeup."

She didn't care.

Xia Lian smiled, "No, Your Royal Highness, the preparation that the servant girl mentioned is not this preparation, but"

".?" The charming little princess looked up at her.

Xia Lian said with a smile: "If the princess doesn't want to be with the king, she can think about how to make herself look not so good-looking."

"If there is an opportunity at that time, Her Highness the Princess will stand far away, and Her Majesty will not be able to see clearly, so naturally she won't do anything to you."

She is reminding her.

The charming little princess blinked and held her chin.

Looking at her with charming and beautiful eyes, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Xia Lian lowered her head slightly.

"If the princess thinks this idea is not good, then the servant will take it back. Please don't blame the princess."


It's not a bad idea, it's just
How could she suddenly help her want to stay away from the old emperor's idea?

The little princess thought so in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

He just nodded with no expression on his face, and said, "Okay, then make me ugly, it's best to turn me into an ugly monster."

Xia Lian responded immediately: "Obey, Princess."

The current emperor of the Longyuan Kingdom has not chosen a concubine for a long time because he has been ill in bed all year round.

The few remaining concubines in the harem were unable to have intercourse because of the old emperor's health, so they had nothing to do and no one to rely on.

The only princess married the prime minister of the current court after Jiji, so there was only one prince left in the palace, the prince who was personally appointed by the old emperor.

The little prince is only eight years old this year, and his teeth have not been replaced yet.

Because of his young age, he has been taught in Hanshulin by a special teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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