Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1445 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1445 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (15)

The princess slowly sat down on the chair.

Eunuch Hua then retreated quietly.

She looked around.

I don't know if it was because of fear of catching cold, the windows of Shou'an Palace were not open.

The air was stuffy, and she was wearing a veil, which, though breathable, was still stuffy.

She looked around, then stood up and saluted the people in the inner room.

"Your Majesty, my concubine is An Le, come to pay my respects."

The coughing inside seemed to grow louder.

Very violent.

It was so fast that he seemed to be out of breath.

She paused and looked up.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

While speaking, a black and cold figure quietly appeared behind her.

Like a ghost, an overly cold breath rushed towards his face.

Yun Si seemed startled and turned around.

But he saw the terrifying deep black phoenix eyes, looking at her lightly, without a trace of warmth in the eyes.

It's still like looking at a stranger.

Yun Si's beautiful eyes flickered and looked at him.

He pressed her shoulders and made her sit down.

didn't say anything,

The temperature in his palm was still icy cold, and his pale face was somewhat sickly and strange.

Like a poisonous snake, standing behind her.

Always be ready to attack.

Just listening to the bright yellow curtain, after the coughing sound eased, an old and weak voice came out.

Indistinct, the articulation is a little unclear.

"Anle. It's you"

"I remember you are Lan Zhang's youngest daughter"

Lan Zhang, her father's name.

Yun Si sat there, looking up at the cold man standing behind her.

He didn't say anything, and kept his dark and piercing eyes on her.

Yun Si blinked, unable to understand his thoughts, nor what the old emperor wanted to say.

So she asked, "Is your majesty still in good health?"

There was another low coughing sound inside.

After a while, there is always a feeling of being out of breath.

He said: "I won't live long, I will die soon"

"Your Majesty, don't say that, the imperial physician will definitely heal you."

The old emperor seemed to be smiling, lying there, laughing sarcastically.

"It can't be cured. How can it be cured well?"

"An Le, this place is beyond my control"

"." The princess, who was stared at by the cold gaze, fell silent, not daring to say anything.

I always feel that if I say something wrong, the poisonous snake behind will strangle me to death.

The old emperor coughed and said, "Anle, I have pity on you, you are going to be my widow at such a young age."

"I'm sorry for Lan Zhang."

The little princess still didn't say a word, not knowing what he meant.

In addition, the person behind him was slowly pulling up a lock of her hair, playing with it silently, and the cold aura on her body always distracted her.

Her attention was always on him, so she didn't have the time to guess what the old emperor wanted to say.

But soon, the old emperor spoke.

The cough seemed to subside.

He said: "An Le, I... I want to ask you something, I wonder if you are willing to agree?"

"Please speak, Your Majesty."

"You are the queen that I am marrying. Although you are young, you are still justified."

"I hope you...can assist Han'er with all your heart so that he can ascend to the throne of God as soon as possible and regain control of the government."

"If you are willing, I will ask Han'er to give the eastern border to Xiangrui country and merge it into the territory of Xiangrui country."

(End of this chapter)

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