Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1446 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1446 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (16)

The nanny had to beg for mercy from the empress.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince is young and shy, and he is still ignorant, so please don't worry about it. This old servant will definitely warn His Highness the Crown Prince when he returns."

The empress, who was half lying on the bed and wearing a gorgeous red dress, was eating steaming chestnuts and looked at the timid and cowardly prince.

The little prince is called Nangong Han, and he is the only son left behind by the former queen.

It was supposed to be the son of the old emperor who was too late to be favored by thousands of pets, but due to physical reasons, he was bedridden all year round, so the little prince grew up under the knee of the regent.

It doesn't look like it
The glamorous empress took a sip of the tea handed over by the maid, and said softly:

"Little prince, have you been afraid of life since you were a child?"

The nanny knelt down and replied: "Mother, His Royal Highness has been timid since he was a child, and he doesn't have many friends on weekdays. In addition to studying for a long time, the little prince is not good at communicating with others."

Bad communication?

This is the taboo of being an emperor.

The empress slowly put the tea aside.

Seeing the chubby child shrink back, he didn't dare to look up.

He didn't say a word, his eyes dodged, and he didn't dare to look at her.

This is not like a child brought out by Pei Jie himself.

The empress was a little disappointed.

The interest that was rarely raised before has now disappeared.

She held her face and nodded with her pale fingertips.

After being quiet for a while, she asked: "What time does the little prince study every day? When does school end?"

The attendant father-in-law immediately replied: "Back to your mother, His Royal Highness gets up to study every day at three o'clock in the Yin hour, and leaves school at three o'clock in the you hour."

"After school, His Royal Highness needs to stay in the school to complete the homework left by the master. Generally speaking, he will stay until Xushi."

"Sometimes the prince will randomly check the prince's homework, and he will save it until Haishi."


The empress, who was listening with her face on her face, was shocked by such a time arrangement.

I wake up at three o'clock in the morning to study, and leave school at five o'clock in the afternoon. I finish my homework at nine o'clock in the evening. Sometimes I am randomly checked and I will stay until eleven o'clock.
This little prince, isn't he going to be stupid?

As if aware of the Empress Empress' surprise, Xia Lian said softly from the side: "Princess, the daily life of the princes of all generations is like this, not the little prince alone."

"The so-called bitterness is the only way to be a master. These are the only ways for the prince to sharpen his mind. Only after experiencing these can the little prince understand the hardships of becoming an emperor."

"That's why the princess should not be surprised."

The glamorous and glamorous princess looked at the little fat man. The little fat man was too timid to look at her.

She didn't mean to be difficult, so she waved her hand to signal them to back down.

The nanny and the accompanying eunuch both breathed a sigh of relief, saluted and left.

The maid of honor took them out.

The chubby little prince clung tightly to the nanny, not daring to leave her at all.

Her Royal Highness watched from behind, and then slowly ate chestnuts.

I really enjoyed it.

But the little prince turned back soon.

This time, instead of sticking close to the nanny, he suddenly broke free from the nanny's hand and ran back.

"Your Highness—"

The faces of the maids changed.

Fearing that the little prince would bump into the princess, they immediately stepped forward to stop him, dragging him vigorously.

The glamorous and lovely person lying on the slum raised his eyes with doubts.

"Is there something else, little prince?"

The cowardly and cowardly little prince struggled a bit, but was incompetent.

The chubby little face looked at her and shouted: "Pei Jie is a lunatic—he is a lunatic—"

(End of this chapter)

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