Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1447 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1447 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (17)

The chubby little face looked at her, and shouted: "Pei Jie is a lunatic—he is a lunatic—an out-and-out pervert—uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu—"

Before he finished shouting, his mouth was covered.

The beauty half lying on the soft bed paused.

The little prince desperately twisted his chubby body, trying to break free.

Because of the force, his mouth was also covered, so his face was flushed red.

He kept looking at her like this, as if he had something to say.

The considerate princess blinked.

Seeing the poor little prince firmly held by the maids, she waved her hand and continued to eat chestnuts slowly.

"Let him go and let him talk."

".But, Princess—"

Xia Lian hesitated to speak.

The little princess glanced at her, her red lips were soft: "What? Is there a problem?"

"Princess, in case the little crown prince bumps into you."

"It's okay, he doesn't look like he's going to run into this palace."

It looked like he was going to scold Pei Jie in front of her.

I have to say that the little princess is very interested.

When the princess spoke, the maids had to obey.

He had no choice but to let go of the chubby little prince slowly and stand aside.

The distance is neither far nor close, as long as the little prince makes any changes, they can immediately rush forward.

The prince with a flushed face stood in front of Yunsi after he was freed, panting, and said:
"Pei Jie is a lunatic, he is a pervert, he has been forcing me to study, has been forcing me to study, if I don't study, he will take the opportunity to punish me, and wants to take the opportunity to kill me."

Hearing this, the nurse behind her knelt down all of a sudden, her legs trembling: "Your Majesty—the old lady never taught the prince these words—"

"Your Majesty, please ask your Majesty to listen to such outrageous and outrageous words. Your Highness the Little Prince is young and ignorant——"

"I'm not young anymore!" the eight-year-old little prince shouted back.

Even with a bit of heart-piercing.

The beauty on the couch was startled by his voice.

The little prince looked like he was about to cry, his chubby face turned around, and he grabbed her sleeves with tears in his eyes.

"If you are my mother, please let Pei Jie let me go."

"I don't want to be taught by him anymore, I want to sleep, I really want to sleep."

"I can't rest every day, I have to study and study and study every day, I beg you, he is crazy, he will lock me in the ice room, he will freeze me to death"

"." The delicate and beautiful empress looked up at Xia Lian.

Xia Lian smiled unnaturally, and came over to coax the little prince.

"Your Highness, don't think of the prince like this anymore. The prince is doing this for your own good."

"You are the prince, and you will inherit the great power in the future. It will be good for you to study more. It will allow you to know ancient history and be good at learning lessons. These are all good for you."

"So Your Highness, you should obediently listen to the prince's words, study hard, and don't make the prince angry again. The prince is still very approachable on weekdays."

She coaxed softly, and slowly pushed the little prince out.

The little prince seemed reluctant, but Xia Lian was stronger than him. He struggled twice, but couldn't get away.

So, with a wow, he burst into tears.

The cry was loud and clear, echoing over the entire palace.

The empress, who was half lying on the floppy bed, raised her forehead and slowly dropped the chestnut.

Before he had time to speak, Ah Chun hurried in from outside.

"Princess—something is wrong—His Majesty—he is dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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