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Chapter 1448 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1448 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (18)

The little prince's crying stopped suddenly.

He stared blankly at Ah Chun, as if he was stupid.

Before the glamorous and charming princess could speak, the next second, he burst into louder cries.

It was earth-shattering, as if it shook the ground in the palace.

The beauty on the couch: "."

So she said, children are not fun at all.

The little prince, who lost his parents, cried miserably, and was hurriedly carried away by the nanny.

When the emperor passed away, white cloths were hung up in the palace in an instant, and crying was everywhere, one after another.

The Zhaoyang Palace was no exception. All the maids' clothes turned into plain white, and there were no extra hair accessories on their heads.

The empress, who was dressed in bright red palace attire, also changed into a white palace dress, and with the help of the maids, she soon arrived at Shou'an Palace.

Outside the Shouan Palace, the whole hall was crying.

Courtiers, bodyguards, court ladies, concubines.
The cold figure at the head stood there and looked over faintly.

Looking at her, her face was pale and sick.

It has a cold and penetrating beauty.

The empress lowered her eyes, walked over, and knelt down at the head of the harem.

The maids quickly stepped aside and began to wipe away their tears.

The tears flowed quickly.

The little prince came soon, was hugged by the nanny, and also changed into a small filial dress.

His crying was so loud that it almost suppressed all the crying of the people present.

Especially when he saw the cold regent standing at the front with the will in his hand, his cries became louder.

Resounding through the sky, piercing the heart.

The regent opened the will lightly, and read it out amidst everyone's cries.

Not surprisingly, the little prince became the new emperor.

But at this time, the little emperor, who was supposed to be majestic, was crying like a tearful man, hiding in the nurse's arms, not daring to go forward.

The first emperor's imperial edict needs to be received by the little prince himself, but as soon as the nanny put him down, he turned and ran away.

He ran while crying, as if there was a scourge chasing him behind him.

The guards and eunuchs hurriedly chased after him.

The screen was a bit chaotic for a while.

The empress, who was kneeling at the head of the concubines, lowered her head and glanced quietly.

But soon, that cold figure in white appeared in front of her.

He stretched out his pale and beautiful hand to her, and said in a calm tone, "Get up."

The kneeling beauty looked up at him, and met his terrifyingly dark phoenix eyes.

Every time they looked at each other, she always felt as if she was being targeted by a huge poisonous snake.

There is always a chilling feeling behind it.

The glamorous empress hesitated for a moment, and stretched out her hand.

She took his too cold hand and slowly stood up.

The regent, who was in charge of the government, walked into the Shou'an Palace with the support of the stunning empress, to visit the old emperor for the last time.

Outside the palace, the little prince was still crying.

The old emperor's death came suddenly, but it was not without warning.

According to the imperial physician, the old emperor had been vomiting blood frequently half a year ago, and he was even more groggy every day, without being awake.

Because of this, the palace had already started preparing for the funeral and the funeral of the old emperor.

Because the little prince was adopted at the empress's knees, according to the palace rules, the empress would be named empress dowager and move to the East Palace.

The remaining concubines, those without heirs, were arranged to be buried with them.

It can be said that Princess An Le took a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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