Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1450 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1450 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (20)

The maid who was serving her couldn't help interjecting in a low voice: "Yes, yes, the maidservant has also heard about it."

"I heard that the flower picker only picks young girls from official families. It is said that the youngest daughter of the prime minister's family was molested."

"When did it happen?" the Empress Dowager asked.

The maid thought for a while, and replied: "It seems that just two days ago, the youngest daughter of the prime minister's family was also lucky. She happened to be patrolling by the guards and found something was wrong. Otherwise, the result would be disaster!"

The empress dowager sat on the bed and nodded.

Ah Chun said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the servants have checked the windows inside and outside to make sure there are no problems."

"The guards also work three shifts a day, and the security is strict. There shouldn't be any problems."

"." The empress dowager didn't speak, she curled her hair and didn't know what she was thinking.

Soon, all the maids retreated.

The lights in the palace were also turned off, and it was plunged into darkness.

Sitting by the bed, I could still hear Ah Chun talking to the maids outside.

The empress dowager lay down slowly, lying on the soft and fragrant quilt, blinking her eyes, and covered herself with the quilt.

Lying quietly for a while, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Soon, the cold figure beside the bed appeared.

The pale and cold body, like a giant snake, quietly climbed onto the empress dowager's phoenix bed.

Paste the warm and soft body of the Empress Dowager, hug her from behind, and start doing rude things to the Empress Dowager.

Overly rude.

The empress dowager, who had her eyes closed, pressed his hand all at once, and said, "I'm having my period, no way."

That cold and sticky body stopped for a moment.

Only then did her movements restrain herself, and her big hands were placed on her lower abdomen again.

Through the thin silk soft cloth, he rubbed her lower abdomen gently, the temperature in his palm seemed to be a little higher.

"how long?"

His voice was hoarse, in her ear.

The Empress Dowager snorted, said without blushing, "One month."

The cold and sticky man didn't speak, he was still rubbing her belly, he didn't know whether he believed it or not.

The empress dowager leaned into his arms with her eyes closed, enjoying his massage unceremoniously, lazily.

"Just now Xiaocui and the others said that a bold flower picker came to Fenyang City, even the daughter of the prime minister's family dared to pick it. I thought it might be you."

The cold person didn't speak, and the breath that was leaning against her cheek was cold, with a deep chill.

Bitter cold.

The empress dowager continued humming.

"That little thief is bold enough to pick the daughter of the prime minister's family, but I think you are even more courageous, even daring to touch the late emperor's woman."

"If you deal with it according to the palace rules, you don't even know you will die hundreds of times, and you still dare to come here."

The cold and pale man seemed to sneer.

Holding her, his cold and sickly long fingers slowly stroked her face.

The voice was hoarse, with a bit of twisted gloom.

"Again. Whose woman are you?"

"." The humming princess froze.

Feeling the venomous snake's snake letter across her face, slowly, as if teasing before eating.

His body didn't seem to be as cold as when he first came here, but the hand on her belly was warm, like a stove.

Just hugging her like this, even if you don't do anything, it still makes people shiver.

(End of this chapter)

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