Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1451 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1451 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (21)


The empress dowager turned over and adjusted her posture in his arms. She felt comfortable, so she didn't move.

Close your eyes and sleep peacefully.

The cold and pale man caressed her back gently, as if he wasn't sleepy.

The two hugged each other and lay next to each other, the warmth and fragrance under the quilt was very strong.

The empress dowager soon became sleepy, hugging his waist, and gradually fell asleep.

The man seemed to know that when her consciousness was hazy, her reaction would slowly slow down.

So, he hooked her chin, scratched it, and said lightly: "After a while, you will die."


She opened her eyes slightly, her eyes blurred.

The voice is as soft as a cat's.

He touched her face, the temperature was like a poisonous snake, cold and sick.

"When the time comes, you will suddenly get sick and die."

"..." Some empress dowagers who had come to their senses looked at him blankly, "Why?"

A thought flashed through her mind.

"You are..."

To take her away?
She froze slightly.

The man stroked her face, and said lightly: "You will enter Qin Palace as a concubine, and when the limelight passes, you will reappear."

Now he doesn't shy away from his identity at all.

The glamorous empress dowager blinked and looked at him.

The two of them have been together for so long, although they already know their identities well, but the first time they revealed it was now.

He grabbed her hand and clasped his fingers.

The voice fell, and the breath was as cold as a water ghost.

"The status of concubine is only temporary. After a while, I will give you the status you should have, so don't worry."

"...Then, Your Majesty, he..."

"He's grown up and has his own way to go."

So, don't worry about him.

"..." The empress dowager, who was regarded as a pawn before, was silent.

She could only feel the cold aura enveloping her, powerful and frightening.

His hands were bitingly cold, but when they touched her skin, they quickly warmed up and returned to the body temperature that a normal person should have.

Just like that, he rubbed her face gently and said nothing.

As if waiting for her to speak.

So, the empress dowager was quiet for a while, and asked, "Actually, you don't want to usurp the throne at all, do you?"

Otherwise, why did he keep forcing Nangong Han to study?
You must know that the real rebellious ministers and thieves wish that the little emperor is ignorant and ignorant, so that he can take advantage of it.

But he was really taking care of the little emperor all the time, forcing him to study a little bit.

Although the means were a little harsh and cruel, but he didn't do anything to the little emperor, did he?

The cold man didn't speak, but hugged her tightly, and said in a calm voice, "Sleep, princess."

When you get some sleep, everything will be arranged.

he thought quietly.




The little emperor's crying sounded again.

It seems that it has to ring two or three times a day before giving up.

But the Empress Dowager of Changning Palace still looked like she didn't see, she didn't hear, she wore plain clothes every day, and went to the Buddhist hall to pray for the old emperor.

Although the old emperor's funeral has passed, he still needs to wear a white cloth and fast for a month in the palace.

A month is not long, but it passed quickly.

The little emperor's crying sound was loud and loud at the beginning, then faded a little later, and in the end...the crying sound was completely gone.

(End of this chapter)

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