Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1459 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1459 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (29)

The little princess bulged her cheeks.

I don't know what happened to the red garden lantern, but luckily, there is always a nearby lantern pushing it away.

On the contrary, the white lotus lantern, after only floating for a while, stopped moving and kept spinning in place.

The distance between the two lamps suddenly widened.

The little princess looked at it for a while, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Soon, the spinning lotus lantern moved.

start catching up.

And the unobstructed red gardenia lantern changed into the state of the white lotus lantern just now, spinning around in place without moving.

The little princess curled her lips slightly, only then was she satisfied.

"Pei Jie, I've won you."

The man didn't make a sound, his phoenix eyes slightly raised, and they landed on the distant lantern, his eyes were indifferent.

The lotus lantern quickly caught up with the red garden lantern, and even surpassed the red garden lantern.

The river course is very long and spreads to the open lake outside.

The lotus lantern swayed and drifted all the way, and soon reached the junction of the river and the river.

Just a little short of the last, and she was victorious.

The little princess stared at it without blinking, holding her breath.

Pei Jie didn't seem to be very interested in the lantern, so he only looked at it for a while, then withdrew his gaze and landed on her again.

Watching quietly, the corners of his lips slightly raised.





Soon, the lotus lantern really won and flowed into the big lake without any hindrance.

Yun Si clapped her hands excitedly and turned to look at him.

"I won, I won, Pei Jie, I won!"

She was as happy as a child who got candy.

The eyebrows are vivid and charming, the eyelashes are curved, and the smile is full of surprise.

Jumping and jumping, she threw herself into his arms all at once, jumping with joy.

"Pei Jie, I won! I want a lantern!!!"

He took her into a hug.

The little princess lifted her feet off the ground, hugged his neck, and smiled brightly.

He seemed to be smiling too, looking at her eyes slightly soft.

"Okay, let's go shopping."

The little princess rubbed his nose and smiled.

"Don't buy it, I want Ah Jie to make one for me, okay?"

Nature is good.

Such a beautiful and charming little princess, who can refuse her request?

The cold-hearted man kissed her on the cheek, hugged her for a long time, and then slowly put her down.

The little princess glanced around, then pointed to the lantern shop not far away, and said:
"Just go there and do it. When it's done, we'll put up lanterns together, okay?"

Pei Jie held her hand.

"go together."

But the little princess broke free from him, raised her lips and shook her head, her eyes were clear.

"I don't want to wait there all the time, I want to stay here and watch the lanterns."

"Besides, what I want is a dragon and phoenix lantern. It is said that it is super difficult to make. I hope you can give me a surprise."

Pei Jie frowned, and took a step forward, with a cool breath on his body.

"No, there are too many people here, and it's easy to get lost."

He was about to hold her hand.

So the little princess stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Looking at him, eyes begging.

"Ah Jie, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, okay..."

"I still want to see the lights, I don't want to wait there."

She looked at him with clear and beautiful eyes, and her red lips were slightly pursed.


Acting softly, like a cat scratching.

It should have been tried and tested, but the man's face turned cold, his brows and eyes were pale and sullen.

"No, we'll get separated."

He embraced her, held her hand, and his movements became stronger again.

(End of this chapter)

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