Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1460 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1460 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (30)

"..." Yun Si was helpless.

looked at him unhappily.

He embraced her and walked along the flow of people together.

His brows and eyes are pale and bewildering, cold and clear, without any signs of slowing down.

The little princess curled her lips and had no choice but to hold his hand.

"Then, I want the most beautiful dragon and phoenix lantern, you can't make it ugly!"

"it is good."

"You have to move faster, otherwise, there will be no time to put up the lanterns."

"it is good."

"Wait, I want to eat candied haws."

She stopped and pointed to the peddler who was selling.

Beautiful black and white eyes, Baba looked at him.

"Ah Jie... wants candied haws"

He paused, and glanced at the peddler with his dark and deep phoenix eyes.

Soon, the little princess who got the candied haws in her hand was very satisfied, and followed him bouncingly.

The hands holding each other are shaking and shaking, very intimate.

"Jie, I am very happy today."

She bit the candied haws and said inarticulately.


She raised her lips and smiled slightly, her eyebrows and eyes bright.

"Because as long as I'm with you, I'll be happy!"

After the words fell, the icy figure hugged her tightly.

He didn't speak, just the phoenix eyes, which gradually softened.

With just one word, he can gradually relax his tense emotions.

The little princess took a bite of the bright red candied haws and smiled.





At this time, in the corner not far away.

A pair of bewitching and cruel eyes, without the whites of the eyes, are all black, just looking at the person who is gradually going away.

Among the noisy crowd, there seemed to be loud laughter.

Eerie, scary.

It was already early morning when we returned to Changning Palace.

I don't know how Pei Jie did it. The court ladies seemed to be unable to see the regent, and they brought hot water in an orderly manner to wash the little princess.

After washing,
When the little princess was lying on the bed, she was still very excited, and she couldn't stop counting what she did today.

After the maids withdrew, the indifferent Prince Regent just lay on the phoenix bed without speaking.

Holding his little princess, looking at her lively eyebrows and eyes, there is always a slight arc on her lips.

His pale and sinister appearance, under the faint light, looked like a cold devil.

Just like this, he embraced her, stroked her hair gently, and half unbuttoned his clothes, revealing his strong chest.

It's really coquettish and seductive.

The little princess leaned against him, talking, and soon felt sleepy.

In addition, the cold man didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything to her tonight, he just patted her on the back gently, as if trying to lull her to sleep.

So, she yawned, arched her little head, and buried it in his chest.

"Jie, I'm sleepy."

The big hand on her back was extremely gentle, and with a hmm, it was rare and gentle.

The little princess adjusted her position in his arms and fell asleep.

Close your eyes and breathe shallowly.

And under the light, the pale and sickly man looked at her quietly with his deep phoenix eyes.

Patting her on the back, her eyes were dull and her emotions were unknown.

At the bottom of the eyes, there seemed to be a faint purple light slowly emerging.

In the dead of night, the little princess who was supposed to be asleep opened her eyes.

The fundus of the eyes is clear.

She lay quietly for a while, her eyes were cold.

Looking at the man holding her, the temperature in her eyes gradually eased, and she closed her eyes again, as if to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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