Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1471 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1471 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (41)

Finally, when the pale and sickly man got up to dress, the two of them still couldn't talk.

The person on the bed was still tugging at him unwillingly.

"Seven days. Can seven days be enough?"

She held him tightly, not letting him go.

"35 days."

Yun Si: "!!!"

"Fifteen days?"

"Forty days."

Simply callous.


Yun Si withdrew her hand expressionlessly.

Wrapped in a quilt, she huddled there and stopped talking.

Pei Jie didn't seem to be in a hurry, after getting dressed, she leaned over and raised her chin with one hand.

A cold ghostly aura hit him, and his eyes were as deep as an abyss.

"Think carefully, I'll be there anytime."

Yun Si: "..."

The time limit given to her by the Devil Emperor is three days.

Within three days, she had to find a chance to do it.

Yun Si agreed first, but it was impossible to do it, she was still thinking about it.

In fact, she could just tell the Devil Emperor directly that she couldn't do it, and let him go wherever he likes.

But based on her understanding of him, since he has found a way to severely injure Jiuge, he will definitely not let it go.

Rather than worrying about when he will appear every day, it is better to directly hold the initiative on yourself.

She can also use the name of consent to think about how to break this situation.

So, during this day, the empress dowager didn't do anything, just thinking all day long.

Sitting on the swing, swaying all day, I didn't even deliver lunch.

Poor little emperor, at noon, he was waiting helplessly in the imperial study.

When the time came, but the familiar figure didn't appear, he couldn't help but drop his pen and get angry.

"Why hasn't the queen mother come yet? Did something happen on the way?"

The Prince Regent who was sitting by the side flipping through the memorial had a pale face and bright lips.

Glancing at him lightly, his tone was cold.

"Is it approved?"

".No, no."

The little emperor's aura was like a balloon with a hole in it, and it suddenly deflated.

He silently picked up the pen again, and glanced at the door with his small eyes.

At the door was the figure of the father-in-law and the guards, all of them were quiet and did not speak.

This shows that the Empress Dowager has not yet arrived.

The little emperor rubbed his empty stomach, limp and lifeless like a beaten eggplant.

He murmured softly: "Why isn't the queen mother coming?"

If she doesn't come, he can't rest.

Yun Si had a dream.

Lying on the soft bed, I had a short, short dream.

That dream was fleeting, like a dexterous tail, flicked in front of her eyes, and disappeared immediately.

Really annoying.

When she woke up, she sat there without moving.

Staring at a certain place on the ground, I don't know what I'm thinking.

In the end, she curled her lips slightly and raised the tip of her eyes slightly.

Like a little fox with an idea.


The full moon hangs high, and the stars are sparse.

The whole palace was solemn and solemn, brightly lit.

The pale and handsome king regent walked out of the imperial study, followed by the listless little emperor.

The little emperor had been approving memorials for a whole day, so tired, sleepy and hungry that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

Eunuch Lin hurried forward to help massage his small shoulders, and said intimately:

"Your Majesty, dinner is ready, why don't you rest after eating?"

The little emperor waved his hands, lowered his head, and dozed off from sleepiness.

"Don't eat, don't eat, I want to go to bed, I'm so sleepy, I want to go back to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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