Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1472 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1472 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (42)

"I obey, Your Majesty, you have worked hard, Your Majesty."

Eunuch Lin quickly sent someone to bring the dragon chariot.

The regent, who was slowly putting on a black cloak, walked slowly towards the night under the salute of everyone.

The father-in-law who led the way walked in front with the illuminated palace lantern.

Eunuch Lin quickly caught up, holding his whisk, respectfully: "My lord, do you still want to live in the palace tonight?"

The pale-eyed Prince Regent hummed lightly.

Eunuch Lin made arrangements immediately.

Because of government affairs, Pei Jie has lived in the palace for a long time.

Coupled with the particularity of his status, he has always lived in the East Palace, which happens to be in Linhua Palace not far from Changning Palace.

Eunuch Lin followed all the way as usual and returned to Linhua Palace.

Looking at the cool and indifferent back, Eunuch Lin stood at the gate of the palace, guarding as usual.

And the door is heavily guarded.

As soon as he entered Linhua Palace, the cold and pale Prince Regent paused in his footsteps.

The palace was dimly lit with lights and soft curtains hung down, making it extremely quiet.

In the air, a faint fragrance floated over and entered his nostrils.

The regent was wearing a black cloak, raised his hand, looked at the looming veil, slowly turned the jade wrench, and did not speak.

The phoenix eyes are cold and deep, and the side face is deep and strange.

The breath is cold, like a dangerous water ghost climbing out of the water.

With a deadly and terrifying poisonous intent.

In the silent Linhua Palace, the windows were clearly closed, but a gust of wind blew from nowhere.

Unsteadily, the hanging curtain was blown up, and the figure of the woman inside appeared half hidden and half exposed.

Cool wind, the temperature is very comfortable.

The faint aroma in the air seems to be able to confuse people's hearts, making people uncontrollably, half of their bodies are sore.

Under the shadowy light, a woman dressed in red walked slowly.

The light and transparent red gauze wrapped her charming figure, and her delicate white fingers gently raised the curtain.

A beautiful and gorgeous face appeared in front of his eyes. It was exquisitely beautiful, like a scorching blood flower under the setting sun, dazzling and soul-stirring.


With a soft and charming voice, she walked up to him.

There is a little cinnabar between the eyebrows, which is scorching and gorgeous, ecstatic, and there is a faint imprint of pure black.

Slowly approaching like this, the frail and boneless body is like a dodder flower, wanting to lean on it.

Looking at the tall and cold man in front of her, she stretched out her hand, raised her red lips, smiled slightly, and slowly untied the belt of his cloak.

And the regent looked at her like this, his eyes were indifferent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, the cloak fell, and the beauty was stunning.

Under the candlelight, the figures of the two seemed to be stuck together, standing quietly.

Changning Palace.

The empress dowager paused as she changed clothes.

Her heart twitched restlessly, as if she had sensed something, she suddenly raised her eyes, her eyes turned cold.

"Princess, what's wrong?"

Xia Lian, who was helping her get dressed, asked.

The glamorous empress dowager, wearing thin pajamas, did not speak.

The red lips were slightly pursed, stretched, and stood there for a while.

Then, she silently raised her hand, signaling them to go out.

The maids looked at each other, had no choice but to do so, and quietly retreated.

The moment the palace door closed, the empress dowager took a cloak next to her, tied it on, and then disappeared.

He didn't even wear shoes, and left the Changning Palace with bare feet.

(End of this chapter)

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