Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1489 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1489 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (47)

A year later, the little emperor was ten years old.

In the eyes of the regent, he is already an adult who can handle government affairs independently.

So the Regent handed in his resignation papers.

Sitting in the imperial study, the little emperor was shocked when he received his letter of resignation.

The two dark eyes looked at him like this, unbelievable.

Probably, in his eyes, he is an out-and-out treacherous villain, and it is impossible to delegate power.

But now, not only has he delegated power, but he has also offered the soldier talisman without reservation.

The little emperor was stunned on the spot, looking at the soldier talisman presented, he didn't take it, and he didn't take it.

So, the little emperor took the military talisman and went to Changning Palace to find his mother.


The little emperor trotted into Changning Palace.

It looked like something big was going to happen.

Eunuch Lin followed behind, in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, please slow down, please slow down."

When the maids saw the little emperor, they immediately saluted: "See Your Majesty—"

The little emperor was wearing a dragon robe, and he had lost a lot of weight. He looked like a fair and handsome young man.

The young boy ran up to the empress dowager who was basking in the sun, and took out the soldier talisman without hesitation, with an anxious tone.

"Mother, something big happened, something big happened!"

The empress dowager, who was lying on the wicker chair and slowly basking in the sun, closed her eyes and did not speak.

Snowy skin, red lips, gorgeous eyebrows and eyes.

The glamorous and unparalleled empress dowager has become more and more beautiful, so beautiful that every frown and smile is charming.

Like a goblin, a goblin that has been nourished to the bone.

The little emperor couldn't help staring blankly for a moment.

He stared blankly, forgetting to even speak.

Eunuch Lin who was waiting on the side probed: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

The little emperor came back to his senses.

"Ah yes, you all step down, I have something important to discuss with the queen mother alone."

Everyone led the order to retreat.

"Mother, stepmother, take care of your sons and ministers."

The little emperor tugged at her sleeve.

On the wicker chair, the alluring and charming girl, with a pearl flower in her hair, slowly opened her eyes.

At the end of the eyes, there is a slight blush and tenderness.

Beautiful and delicate, beautiful and bright.

"what happened?"

She is lazy, with a sweet voice.

Basking in the sun seems to have no energy.

The little emperor looked around, and then took out the soldier talisman.

Handed it to her, nervous.

"Regent, the regent gave this to his son, and said he wanted to resign and return to the field."

"." The glamorous empress dowager narrowed her light-colored and moist eyes.

Looking at the little emperor's soldier talisman, she paused, her thin white fingertips pointing, as if she didn't know it.

"My lord really said that?"

The little emperor nodded heavily.

"What should we do? Queen Mother, he won't really want to leave, will he?"

The little emperor showed unprecedented anxiety.

The empress dowager, who was dressed in a plain and elegant skirt, did not speak, but closed her eyes and pondered for a moment.

But seeing him in such a hurry, she couldn't help but find it funny.

"Look at you, why are you in such a panic? Don't you often say that the prince is not a human being? Why are you unhappy when the prince said he was leaving today?"

The little emperor: "Empress mother, sons usually scold him, but—"

"But my son is still young, and I can't handle government affairs alone."

He muttered under his breath.

Of course he would panic. After all, he was still a child, half a little older, and his teeth hadn't been changed yet. How could he govern a country independently?
(End of this chapter)

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