Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1490 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1490 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (48)

The Empress Dowager smiled slightly and couldn't help laughing.

"But the Ai family heard from the prince that Han'er has done a good job, and can try to handle government affairs independently."

"In the past few days, the prince said that Han'er was alone in the imperial study all the time."

"Thus thinking about it, the prince wants to disarm and return to the farmland because of this consideration."

The little emperor drooped his face all of a sudden: "That's because the government affairs are simple these few days, and there are no major issues."

"If there is something urgent, I still don't know how to deal with it."

The empress dowager was half lying on the rattan chair, shaking slightly, her delicate white cheeks bathed in the sunlight.

Sheng like beautiful jade, natural.

She squinted her eyes slightly, did not speak, and looked at the clouds floating in the sky for a long time.

Finally, she opened her lips and said lightly: "I will go and ask the prince personally about this matter. If Han'er doesn't want the prince to let go in advance like this, I will convey it on my behalf."

"You can go back with peace of mind. If there is any news, I will let you know."

"My son obeys."

The little emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that if the queen mother came out, then Pei Jie would be obedient.

Although, I don't know why.


A carriage quietly set off from the palace.

Walking through a remote and uninhabited small door, he left the palace.

The accompanying maids all changed into plain clothes and followed all the way.

The carriage passed through the busy street in a low-key and quiet manner, and finally stopped at the door of an inconspicuous house.

At the door, the guard led the horse and put it on a small table.

On the carriage, a beautiful woman in a blue brocade dress, wearing a light veil, slowly got off the carriage with her skirt lifted.

The steps are swaying, beautiful and charming.

The guard saluted immediately, and then opened the door familiarly.

"Princess, my lord has been waiting for you for a long time."

The little princess then went in.

The following maids and guards stood at the door, and the carriage was pulled aside.


This is a house that Pei Jie bought. The area is small, but the layout inside is exquisite and elegant, suitable for living.

Yun Si pushed the door into the main room, turned and closed it, and was hugged by a cold and pale body.

It was chilly, like a huge boa constrictor without temperature.

Just like this, the powerful big palms were placed on her soft and flat belly, rubbing with neither light nor heavy force.

Yun Si raised her hand to remove the veil, turned to look at him, touched his cold face, feeling helpless.

"Why do you have to come out tonight? Is there something important?"

The man with increasingly gloomy and cold eyes hugged her and didn't speak.

The pale skin was so close to her cheek, as if only in this way could she absorb the warmth from her body.

Yun Si patted him.

After a while, he let go of her and held her hand, "Come with me."

Yun Si blinked.

Soon, she began to understand why the man insisted on letting her out of the palace.


The beautiful man was sitting there, staring at the doctor who was carrying the medicine box.

The doctor wiped his sweat and seemed nervous.

The pretty man blinked her eyes and looked at the man beside her.

"This is.?"

The doctor put a soft cushion on the table and said nervously: "Girl, please put your palms up on this cushion."

"." The beautiful man was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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