Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1494 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1494 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (52)

"." The little princess looked at him blankly.

Like completely dumbfounded.

"But you. Then it wasn't—"

His icy long fingers lifted her chin, her phoenix eyes were devoid of emotion.

"Remember the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

The little princess blinked her black and white eyes.

"On Mid-Autumn Festival, you were walking on the street, and you said you were very happy."

She watched the fireworks, bought candied haws, lit lanterns, and walked hand in hand with him.

The two of them are like ordinary couples and ordinary people, without the gorgeousness and formality of the palace, and there are not so many rules and restrictions to stop them.

She was not as quiet as in the palace, but bouncing around, turning into a pure and flamboyant little girl.

She said she was very happy.

In fact, he is also very happy.

An unprecedented sense of satisfaction, even more satisfying than ascending to the throne.

So, he suddenly felt that this is also very good.

Be an ordinary couple with her, and walk through the prosperity of the world with her.

She was holding his hand, dressed in red, and always looked so happy.

He likes to see her happy, very much.

She counted what she did in his arms that night, seriously, and cherished it very much.

It seems that there will be no chance to do these things in the future.

So, interested in the last bit of the throne, he disappeared.

He thought he had a new desire.

He picked her up slowly and carried her against a wall.

Beside the wall is a huge map, the lines on it are ravines and ravines, extending in all directions, making people dazzled and unable to tell where is where.

Pei Jie put her down and hugged her from behind.

"I have planned everything. It is hot summer now, and the weather is too hot. We can start from the north and go all the way south."

"If all goes well, we will arrive in Huyang City in the south when winter comes. It is said that the temperature there is suitable and it will not be too cold in winter. We can live there for a short time and go to the next town to have fun."

"By the way, you like sweets, and the people over there are also partial to sweets. When we go there, I will learn their craft and cook for you when I come back."

"However, the weather in the south will be relatively humid. You need to prepare some suitable silk clothes and bring more clothes. I have prepared my luggage and bank notes in advance, and I have already arranged it. When we-"

The little princess suddenly turned around and hugged him.

Pei Jie's voice stopped.

Like a kitten, she rubbed against his neck and said softly, "You decide."

"Where you go, I will go."

Only then did the pale and beautiful man regain his composure.

He hugged her and said hello in a hoarse voice.

The matter of leaving was settled like this.

After Pei Jie delegated power, the ministers in the court all turned to the little emperor with winks.

After all, because he is still above the court, and he has cultivated a lot of confidantes over the years.

So even if he delegated power and the power in his hands was gradually reduced, the courtiers in the court still habitually looked at him and acted.

He wants to assist the little emperor to return the power bit by bit.

Then all the courtiers assisted the little emperor conscientiously, and began to listen to the little emperor's orders, not daring to make mistakes.

The feeling when the real power is in his own hands, the little emperor was indeed a little uncomfortable at the beginning.

But later, he gradually felt the joy of returning to power.

(End of this chapter)

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