Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1495 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1495 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (53)

However, before he was happy for a few days, the regent submitted the resignation paper again.

This time, he entered the palace and submitted it in person.

I don't know what he said to the little emperor, but the little emperor took the jade seal with extreme reluctance and stamped his resignation document.

I agree.

By the way, a golden ten thousand taels was also rewarded.

So, the regent took the letter of resignation and removed the identity of the royal family.

Returning to the civilian population, he quickly disappeared, and he was never found again.

The little emperor was so frustrated that he didn't cheer up for three days.

The first day the regent left: Little emperor, listless.

The second day after the regent left: the little emperor, even more listless.

The third day after the regent's departure: Little Emperor, you're dying.

Nth day of the regent's departure: The little emperor is getting used to it.

He started to go to Changning Palace to visit his mother when he had nothing to do.

Probably trying to find some solace in it.

Today, the little emperor came again.

Sitting on a dragon chariot, a group of people came to Changning Palace mightily.

For some reason, the maids of Changning Palace seem to have changed into new faces.

He didn't know one or two.

Even the most common Ah Chun and Xia Lian are gone, and I don't know where they went.

The little emperor was puzzled and walked into the palace.

"See Your Majesty—"

The court ladies saluted him when they saw him.

"Where's the queen mother?" The little emperor looked around and asked.

A court lady replied: "Your Majesty, please be safe and don't be impatient. Your Majesty is changing clothes and will come out immediately."

The little emperor just has to wait.

After waiting helplessly for a while, I saw the Empress Dowager coming out from behind the screen.

The skin seems to be darker, and the body seems to be fatter.

The movements and postures have not changed, but it lacks that indescribable lazy energy.

always feel.
It's a bit strange.

Looking at that pretty face, the little emperor felt a strange feeling in his heart.


The Empress Dowager bowed her head slightly to him, and her voice was not as sweet as before.

"Your Majesty is down."

"." The little emperor stared blankly at her.

"Are you the queen mother?"

How do you feel, like a different person?
The empress dowager smiled slightly and looked at him calmly.

"Why does Han'er say that? Isn't Ai's family your mother's queen?"

"Could it be that I haven't seen you for a day, and you don't even recognize your mother?"

"." The little emperor still felt very strange.

The face is still the same, but
The young little emperor couldn't tell the strange feeling in his heart.

So, he asked, "Where's Xia Lian? Why isn't she here?"

The empress dowager smiled faintly: "Her parents are sick, very serious illnesses, in order to make her fulfill her filial piety, the Ai family let her out of the palace."

"What about Ah Chun?"

"Ah Chun accompanied her out of the palace, so it's convenient to take care of her."

"." It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

The little emperor hesitated for a moment, but he still couldn't think of anything amiss.

So, he had no choice but to accept the answer.

"Okay, my son came to pay my respects to the queen mother."

He bowed slightly in salute.

The empress dowager raised her hand and smiled gently: "Excuse me."

At this time, outside Fenyang City.

A carriage passed through the city gate and left towards the outside of the city.

Along the official road, all the way to the south.

The horses ran fast, and the wheels rolled, kicking up clouds of dust.

Under the hanging curtain, a soft white hand slightly lifted a corner, as if wanting to poke its head out.

But in the next second, a big cold and pale hand pulled her back.

The breath is cold.

"Okay, let's see when we get there."

The little princess being held inside: "."

He is really domineering.

——The end of the small world——

(End of this chapter)

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