Chapter 1502 Imprisonment (7)

Like a cold poisonous snake, it wrapped around her neck, smelling her body.

Unique to her taste, unique.

Yun Si didn't get a response, so she spoke again.

"Or, if you want to get to know me, we can have a good chat."

"Sir, you also know that I live here alone, you don't have to worry about other people coming here, do you?"

The cold long fingers slowly hooked her skirt and slid in.

"..." She took a deep breath.

When he was about to say something more, he spoke up.

It was still a cold and shrill voice, like a stinky mouse in a stinking ditch.

"There is a topic that I really want to talk to you about."

He kissed the corner of her lips, once and for all.

The pretty woman with no strength pursed her lips, "...what topic?"

He moved slowly, "Is the scandal from the past two days true?"

"..." She froze for a moment.

Doesn't seem to be impressed by this.

"What scandal?"

She never pays attention to these.

The abnormal movement stopped for a moment.

He grabbed her hands and pinched them one by one, with a cold tone.

"You entered the same hotel back and forth with a wild man, how should you explain this incident?"

The tone is like a jealous husband.

The person on the bed was silent for a moment.

"...It was a wrap-up feast for the crew. Everyone came, not just the leading male lead."

"Also, the distance between me and him is so far, how can there be scandals?"

She was a little helpless.

The pervert squeezed her hand, and said in a treacherous tone, "Really?"




"You don't like him?"

"……do not like."

Is a good boy.

A pervert seems to be pleased.

Get off her body, hug her instead, and lift the quilt cover.

"If you wear so little next time, don't blame me for being rude."

He lifted her chin and kissed her.





Day two.


I don't know when it started to fall, and heavy snow fell from the gray sky.

The balcony of the apartment is fully automatic and will sense changes in the weather. When it rains or snows, the glass windows will be closed automatically.

The apartment is full of warm wind blowing, warm as spring.

It was dark outside, but the lights were on inside, as bright as day.

Early in the morning, although it was already a holiday, Li Mo was still worried and came to the apartment early.

The elevator opened slowly with a "ding--".

She stepped on high heels and rang the doorbell.


No one answered.

Li Mo waited at the door for a while, then picked up the phone.

Dial the phone and walk back and forth.

The call was connected after a long time, and an extremely sleepy female voice came from the phone.


"Si Si, are you still awake?"

"No...what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just worried. I want to come and see you."

"Hmm..." The person on the phone spoke in a nasal voice, as if he was about to fall asleep.

"No need, Sister Li, you can go home...Aren't you on a plane later?"

"Really not?"

"No, I'm not up yet..."

Li Mo had no choice but to say: "Then go to sleep and call me if you have anything to do, or the phone will be turned off after I board the plane. If you have something to do, call Xiao Wang."


There seemed to be something strange in her low nasal voice.

(End of this chapter)

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