Chapter 1503 Imprisonment (8)

"Well, thank you, Miss Li."

The phone hung up immediately.

Li Mo looked at the closed door and shook his head.

Looking at the time, it was indeed too late.

No way, she turned around and left in a hurry.




The sleeping person buried under the quilt left his mobile phone aside.

Turned over, covered the quilt, and continued to sleep.

Eyes closed, sleepy.

The air conditioner in the room was fully turned on, and her face was warmed red and soft, like a ripe peach.

She was wrapped in a soft and fragrant quilt, like a small heater all over her body.

"..." She suddenly opened her eyes.

Raising his hand, he looked at his moving hand, feeling a little dazed.

The fairy who was forced to be a doll all night suddenly sat up.

Look around, the pervert from last night is gone.

Lift your hands up, make a fist, stretch, make a fist again, and stretch again.

Her strength finally came back.

"..." For the first time, Yunsi felt how wonderful it is to be active.

If it wasn't for the fact that last night was too real, she almost suspected that it was her own nightmare.

In the dream, that pervert was persecuting her and taking advantage of her.

She looked down at her hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

No longer sleepy, she got out of bed and searched the entire apartment.

The pervert was gone, and the blindfold was also taken away.

She stands in the living room, with her hips akimbo.

After a moment of silence, she walked to the touch-screen controller at the entrance and clicked to change the password to open the door.

The password was changed from six digits to twelve digits, and even triple unlocking with fingerprint and pupil was added.

She didn't believe that that pervert could still get in.





At ten o'clock in the morning, the snow in the sky became lighter.

It fell obliquely, like soft catkins, and fell over the entire city.

By the 29th of the new year, the city has become lively, and there is a joyful atmosphere everywhere.

After Yun Si washed up, she stayed at home and ordered takeaway with her mobile phone.

She got up late and ordered lunch straight away.

It is specifically noted in the takeaway that the items will be delivered to the locker downstairs.

Turn on the TV, and there is news on the TV.

She held the cup, drank the water, and changed the channel.

The next second, the phone with a black screen rang.

"Hello?" Yun Si picked it up.

It was her little assistant calling.

"Sister Si Si, have you woken up yet? Do you want me to bring you breakfast? Or lunch?"

"No, I just ordered takeaway."

"Takeaway? How about that? Takeaway is so high in calories, will you gain weight?"

"..." Yun Si took a sip of water, her face expressionless, "I want to eat meat, that's all."

"You don't need to send it. I will solve it by myself in a few days. When will you go back to your hometown?"

The little assistant hurriedly replied: "The train at eight o'clock tomorrow morning will arrive in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

"How long does it take?"

"That's right... there's no other way, I can only grab a train ticket now."

Yun Si glanced at the weather outside.

The snow has stopped, but the sky is still gray, and it seems that it may fall again at any time.

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, she said, "Use my card to buy a ticket. I'll treat you to the first-class cabin this afternoon."

"...Huh? Well then—"

"Employee benefits, it's Chinese New Year, it's good to go back early."

Most importantly, don't always stare at her and stop her from eating meat.

After hanging up the phone, everything was clean.

Yun Si rubbed her hungry stomach and drank another saliva to satisfy her hunger.





Half an hour later, the takeaway was delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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