Chapter 1505 Imprisonment (10)

After leaving the building, the wind blowing outside was not strong, but it also carried the chill after snow.

The man whose whole body was limp like a rabbit looked around.

After making sure that no one was following her, she relaxed and walked out slowly along the road.

Outside Jiachen's apartment, a car was already waiting.

She walked over and got in the car.

The car door was closed, and the person sitting inside was on the phone, and made a quiet gesture to her.

Yun Si nodded and quietly looked out the window.

Two minutes later, the person beside her hung up the phone and immediately hugged her.

"Oh, why are you wearing such thick clothes? Is it cold today?"

"..." The beautiful white man pushed her away expressionlessly.


Yu Xiu, who had delicate makeup on her face, crossed her arms.

She was not annoyed by being pushed away.

He raised his chin generously, with a gorgeous posture, "How is it? How do I look today?"

The slit slim red dress has only one measly suspender.

With heavy makeup and diamond-encrusted high-heeled shoes, which are thin and long, she is wearing a charming and sexy style, extremely coquettish.

The person with half of his face huddled under the off-white scarf blinked his full eyes and didn't speak.

No comment on her overly revealing attire.

She thought for a while, then pondered and said, "Next time, let's wear a little more. If you dress like this, it's easy to attract perverts."


Yu Xiu brushed her curly hair coquettishly, not caring.

"There are so many perverts in this world, no matter what I wear, I will have them. Why should I change myself for scum like them?"

"..." The people beside her were silent.

That's true, but...

She raised her hand and pulled the scarf up a little.

Covering half of his flushed face, his silent gaze fell out of the car window.

Looks like he has something on his mind.

Yu Xiu paused while speaking.

Seeing Yunsi's silent appearance, she suddenly opened her mouth as if thinking of something.

"Oh... yes, I heard from Sister Li that there was an illegitimate fan who followed you all the time?"

It doesn't even seem appropriate to talk about illegitimate meals. To that extent, it's more like a pervert with psychological problems.

The round-clothed man looked out the window, shook his head, and said, "It's fine, don't worry."

"Don't worry? Didn't you say that the illegitimate meal even sneaked into your house?"


"I also heard from Sister Li that you lost your underwear again?"


Yu Xiu seemed to think of something again, and patted her on the shoulder, "You live alone now, right? Does it matter? Do you want to go to my place?"

Yun Si withdrew her gaze from the outside, looking at her amusedly, "It's okay, no need."

"I have a measure of these. If there is anything wrong, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"But—" Yu Xiu seemed to want to say something else.

"These illegitimate meals are still very scary. They will use any means to achieve their goals, let alone someone who stole your things. Are you sure you really don't need them?"

"Well, no need."

The beautiful man with half of his face huddled under the soft scarf slightly bent his eyes, and there seemed to be some tenderness in his eyes.

"No matter who it is, I have a sense of proportion."





Yun Si got off the car at the busiest commercial street in the city center, wearing a knitted hat, half of her face was tightly wrapped, and her hands were put in her pockets.

Yu Xiu was going to attend a banquet and happened to pass by the city center.

After watching her car leave, the person standing there tilted his head.

(End of this chapter)

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