Chapter 1506 Imprisonment (11)

Soon, he set his sights on the bustling shopping mall with people coming and going.

It was the end of the year, and the mall was a bit more lively than usual.

On the big screen at the top of the mall, there was still an advertisement for her endorsement.

The beautiful people in the ad are smiling and charming.

The soft person under the ad looked up, only revealing those bright eyes like stars.

She stared at it for a while, and felt that white snowflakes were gradually falling in midair.

It fell on her long eyelashes, felt the heat, and melted away quickly.

It seemed to be covered with a light mist of water.

She blinked her eyelashes and looked away.

After contemplating for a while, she walked into the mall.






The snow fell harder.

Gloomy clouds and mists block the moon.

The snow was falling heavily, and a thick layer of cold mist hung in the air.

In the whistling north wind, the soft lights seemed to condense into hard ice.

There was a thick layer of snow on the ground, and the white snow refracted the light, like a mirror, dazzling.

Braving the snow, Yun Si, who came back with a big bag, trotted into the building.

There was heating in the hall on the first floor, bright and spacious, she stood at the elevator door and pressed the button.

While waiting for the elevator to come down, she put down her bag and patted the snow off her hat.

The snow has already melted and turned into water.

She took off her hat, the outermost part of which was already wet.

It's half wet and still has the temperature of her body temperature.


The elevator opened slowly.

The person who was adjusting his hat with his head down suddenly stopped.

As if aware of something, his nose moved slightly, and he raised his eyes suddenly.

In front of him was a man with elegant eyebrows and gentle eyes.

The skin is fair, even with a bit of abnormal paleness.

The color of the eyes is like ink, and the bottom of the eyes is a thick and indelible pitch black, so black that it is terrifying.

He was wearing a black woolen coat, straight and neat.

Wearing a black mask, half of his face was covered, only his slightly dark eyes were exposed.

It's like being stained with blood.

He looked at her, very quiet, did not speak.

Yun Si, who was standing outside the elevator, blinked and remained silent.

After a short pause, he lifted the bag at his feet and walked into the elevator.

The elevator doors closed quickly.

Yun Si stood beside him, lowered her head, and didn't make a sound.

Staring at the ground with no expression on his face.

I don't even know what to think.

The elevator went up slowly, and the changes in the numbers were not fast or slow.

In the small space, it was extraordinarily quiet because neither of them spoke.

It was so quiet that only the sound of the elevator wheels moving could be heard.

Yun Si's eyes fell on the ground and did not move for a long time.

The man beside him seemed to be looking at her.

He coughed softly, his voice warm and hoarse.


Kind and polite greeting.

Her eyes moved slightly, and she looked up at him.

When he got closer, he could see his soft eyelashes and feel the cool breath.

His eyes were deep, and he smiled slightly, with just the right amount of gentleness in his arc.

Just looking at her like this, her complexion was pale.

It looks like it hasn't been in the sun for a long time.

Yun Si looked at him and said, "Hello."

The tone is also very polite.

The man's pitch-black phoenix eyes stared at her straight.

He said, "You are Yun Si, right?"

Big stars, everyone seems to recognize them.

She hummed and followed his question to answer.

The man lowered his head and took out a pen from his pocket.

"Then can you sign me?"

he asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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