Chapter 1519 Imprisonment (24)

The bodyguards were already waiting, and the group walked towards the car.

In the distance, a few paparazzi who had been squatting for several days were eating instant noodles.

Seeing that the target object finally came out, they immediately put down the instant noodles in their hands.

"Hey, come on, come on, hurry up!"

A few people who managed to squat successfully hid in the shadows, looking for a shooting angle.

Take pictures one by one, without interruption.

"Brother Wang, there's nothing good about this, it's nothing to look at."

Someone patted and complained.

"This Yun Si doesn't have any interesting private life, so it wouldn't be interesting for us to take pictures."

What entertainment news pays attention to is explosiveness, how explosive it is and how explosive it is.

Now it’s just to shoot a female star to go to work?The editor-in-chief will definitely not be satisfied if I take it back.

The man called Brother Wang was still filming, looking for different angles, and sneered while filming, "What do you know? How can this entertainment circle be full of explosive news every day?"

If it explodes every day, is it still an explosion?

He said: "The current fans are like this, they just want to see some celebrities' private lives, the more detailed the better."

"Think about it, the cleaner Yunsi's private life is, the more fans will want to see something different, so we have to be patient and wait."

"Maybe someday there will be big news—"

"Wait, is that...who?"

He took a closer look, and immediately focused on the lens, zoomed in, and zoomed in.

I saw the group of people who were supposed to get in the car.

Unexpectedly, the tall slender woman who was being protected by the bodyguard suddenly seemed to see something, and waved to a man coming from a distance.

Then, she stepped forward and took the man's hand.

Paparazzi:! ! !

The sensitive nose suddenly smelled something unusual, and all the excitement factors were mobilized.

"News! News! Big news!"

"What are you still doing?! Hurry up and shoot!"

Brother Wang violently kicked the person next to him.

"Go over there and take pictures! Be sure to take pictures of that man's face for me!"

Big news today, here we go!




"..." Seeing his heartless little ancestor walking over holding a man's hand, Li Mo's eyes almost popped out.

Professional vigilance almost made her wait and see the surrounding environment immediately, as if she knew there would be paparazzi.

"My aunt, you're crazy—"

Yun Si took Qin Qing's hand, pushed the sunglasses, and said, "He is my boyfriend, you can see him now."

"..." The good-tempered Mr. Qin seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and slowly blinked his eyes.

He was still wearing a black mask, covering half of his face.

With a cold pale complexion and handsome eyebrows, he stood there quietly, looking at Yun Si without saying a word.

His fingers were icy cold, but he didn't struggle.

Gives a warm and comfortable, IKEA livable feeling.

"..." Li Mo looked at the two people, a mouthful of old blood was stuck in his throat, he couldn't get up and down, choking.

The little assistant dragged the suitcase and watched from behind, shrank his neck slightly, and did not speak with interest.

Afraid to touch.

Li Mo barely maintained his expression and said, "Don't stand here, tell me in the car."

After dawdling for a while, she was afraid that the paparazzi would finish writing the draft.

Yun Si looked at the man who had been silent all this time.

His dark eyes stared at her quietly, and seemed to move.

Under the mask, the corners of Yun Si's lips rose slightly, holding his hand as if to scratch him inadvertently.

(End of this chapter)

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