Chapter 1520 Imprisonment (25)

Like a naughty kitten, it brushed against his cold palm, soft and warm.

The gentle and good-tempered Mr. Qin looked at her without any reaction, as if he didn't notice it.





Soon, the door closed.

Through the car window, the outside cannot see the inside.

The sound will also be well blocked and will not pass through.

As soon as Li Mo sat down, his examining eyes stopped on Qin Qing.

It is not only sizing up, but also evaluating - evaluating the value that this person should have.

Yun Si took off her sunglasses, glanced at Sister Li, and then leaned closer to Qin Qing's ear.

Lower your voice and say to him, "Do me a favor and pretend to be my boyfriend."

"No matter what she asks, you can just make up an answer."

"As long as you can help me get through this time, any conditions are easy to negotiate."

"..." The gentle and good-tempered Mr. Qin lowered his eyes and looked at her quietly.

He seemed to smile a little, expressing his reassurance.

Yun Si coughed and sat down.

The line of sight is placed outside the window.

Li Mo folded her arms slowly, "Are you Si Si's boyfriend?"

The tone became unfriendly from the beginning.

Mr. Qin's dark eyes met hers, and his pale eyes showed no emotional fluctuations.

He hummed slowly, his tone neither salty nor weak.

Like a dangerous person who hides extremely deeply.

This was Li Mo's first instinct.

She asked again: "What's your name? How old are you? Where do you work now? Do you have a stable source of income?"

Mr. Qin's eyes slowly fell on Yun Si beside him.

Whether to say it or not, it seemed to be asking for her opinion.

Yun Si gave a symbolic cough, "Just tell me if Sister Li asks you, Sister Li is kind enough to care."

Mr. Qin slightly bent his eyes and hummed lightly.

Said he knew.

"Qin Qing, 30 years old, no job, no income."

These words seem to be made up, but they don't seem to be made up.

Yun Si turned her head to look at him, and met his gaze again.

He smiled slightly, giving people an indescribable sense of ease.

There was no sense of embarrassment.

"..." Yun Si blinked.

On the other side, Li Mo was silent.

If you don't have a job, isn't that vagrant?
"So now you don't have a car or a house?"

Mr. Qin didn't talk much, looked at Yunsi, and hummed lightly.

Such a response seemed to be addressed to her.

Li Mo frowned.

This condition, no matter where you look at it, no matter where you look.

But Yun Si made a sound and made a stop gesture.

"Sister Li, it's almost ready. These basic conditions are enough for public relations."

She was afraid that if she continued to ask, this lunatic who was prone to uncertainty would be stimulated, and then indirectly get sick.

But Li Mo was still a little dissatisfied.

"Mr. Qin, don't you want to tell us something?"

"For did you meet Si Si? What are your plans for the future?"

Yun Si frowned.

Just when she was about to say something, she heard Qin Qing say softly beside her: "I want to marry her."

"The relationship between us is for the purpose of marriage."

Yun Si paused and turned to look at him.

The handsome Mr. Qin lowered his eyelids, looked at her tenderly, and said softly: "Actually...if I can, I think I will propose soon."

"As for the house and the car... you can have everything."

"As long as she wants, she can have anything."

"I will give her...the biggest and most gorgeous wedding."

(End of this chapter)

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