Chapter 1532 Imprisonment (37)

Very annoying.

"..." Yun Si did not know how many times she avoided his kisses.

She opened her eyes impatiently.

"Qin Qing!"

The man in the dark paused.

Immediately, kiss her.

"Well, for my dear."

He almost wanted to write the word "insight into an inch" on his face.

"..." Yun Si's forehead popped.

"I'm still angry."

She said word by word, "Don't quarrel, if you quarrel with me again, don't sleep here."

He hummed in a low voice, but he didn't know if he really listened.

Yun Si turned over and turned her back, ignoring him.

But he still hugged her and kissed her twice from time to time.

Playing with her hair for fun, like a clingy child.

It's too much trouble.

"..." Yun Si reluctantly ignored his small movements.

He played with it for a while, then turned her over again.

He held her face and kissed and kissed.

As if he wanted to swallow her whole.

Yun Si clenched her fist slightly.


"I am very happy."

He said softly, extremely softly.

Putting her hand on his face, he rubbed it, as if smiling.

"Si Si doesn't think I'm ugly, but also likes me very much."

"..." Yun Si withdrew her hand all of a sudden, "Who said I like you?"

"Don't be self-righteous."

But he grabbed her hand again, put it on his face, and chuckled.

"You just like me, and you don't dislike me."


Yun Si didn't want to make a sound.

Qin Qing touched her face and kissed her again.

When he said that, she avoided it this time pretending to be disgusted.

She also blocked him with her hands, preventing him from kissing.

So, Qin Qing kissed her hand instead, as always.

After following her for so long, he couldn't understand her temperament too well.

She is so good-looking, and in the complicated entertainment circle, there are often so many people who want to take advantage of her.

But she just didn't want to, she was very arrogant, and she didn't care if she would offend others because of it.

As long as she doesn't want to, the director's hand can even be easily twisted off, and she can get away perfectly.

It's not like now, when you can resist, but you just swear at him without any deterrence, and you won't attack him.

She will not do anything to him, nor will she report him.

Even subconsciously defend him.

These kinds of things can actually explain the problem very well.

Mr. Pervert bit her finger and called her softly, "Si Si."

"..." Yun Si withdrew her hand and ignored him.

"Si Si?"


"Si Si."

"...for what?"

She still answered him angrily.

He held her in his arms and said with utmost tenderness, "Thank you for not hating me."

"..." Yun Si opened her eyes.

He seemed to be in a good mood, and the heartbeat in his chest was so loud that her ears were filled with that warm voice.

He didn't talk anymore, and he didn't make trouble with her anymore.

He only gently rubbed her head and patted her back, as if trying to lull her to sleep.

It was as if he regarded her as a child who couldn't fall asleep.

Yun Si fixedly stared at the unknown place for a while, but didn't make a sound.

He didn't talk anymore, and he didn't make trouble with her anymore. At this moment, it turned out that she didn't feel much sleepy anymore.

After a long time, she closed her eyes again.

Lying in his arms, quietly falling asleep.

In the chaos of consciousness, she felt as if she had entered an unknown world.

Here, in this time and space...

He and she had no intersection at all.

(End of this chapter)

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