Chapter 1533 Imprisonment (38)

Crowds of people coming and going, bustling streets.

The noise of the road, the honking of the car, the crowds of people here, and the garbage on the ground fluttering in the wind.

Floating into a trash can, which exudes a stench.

It was evening, and night was about to fall.

The bleak winter, pressing down on the sun, gradually disappeared into the sky.

The crowd, wearing winter clothes, hurried home.

After getting off work, there is nothing left on this street except garbage and a few small stalls that are still holding on.

Yun Si was empty-handed, only wearing a thin nightgown.

Standing barefoot on the dirty street, she watched quietly, as if in a daze.

People in twos and threes walked past her, but they walked straight through as if they couldn't see her.

Yun Si took a step back to avoid those passing by.

There is garbage on the feet, but there is no dirt and dust on it.

It's like a soul, a soul that cannot communicate with the world.

She stood quietly under the streetlight for a long time.

Until night fell, the whole street was empty, and even the few remaining small vendors were already packing their things and preparing to go to the nearby night market street.

A gust of wind blew away her loose hair.

Standing there, she suddenly raised her eyes as if she sensed something.

A drunken man in tattered clothes, holding a wine bottle, appeared from the corner of the street, staggering towards him.

Like a bum.

His hair was so long that it almost covered his entire face.

The dirty clothes looked like they hadn't been washed for more than ten years, and the corners of the clothes were frayed and worn out, and all the threads had fallen off.

He seemed to be very drunk, so drunk that he had already lost his mind.

In the bleak winter, I didn't even wear shoes, and my feet were covered with dirt and dust, worn out by the ground.

He moved slowly, holding on to the wall all the way, stumbling.

Sometimes his legs and feet were weak and he couldn't stand up at all. He was like a stinking maggot, crawling on the ground, muttering to himself.

Decadent, mentally lax, the whole body is like a walking corpse without a soul, living in a daze all day long, without self, and without motivation to live.

Yun Si stood under the street lamp, looking at the man lying on the ground, who was still drinking, with a gloomy complexion.

Several small vendors who were about to leave saw the drunk man and said, "He's coming again, he's coming to be an idiot again."


When a female customer heard this, her face changed.

Seeing that she was about to leave in fright, the vendor owner immediately waved his hand.

"No, no, that's not what we mean. Miss, don't be afraid. We are all here. He won't do anything to you."

"Then what do you mean by idiot...?"

The female customer was a little suspicious.

The small vendor owner said: "It's bad, it's really nothing, it's just that person likes a celebrity, and goes to the square to see her every day, and all the money is spent on that celebrity."

Several small vendors come here to set up their stalls every day, so they can see that dirty man every day, as if they have been poisoned, and they go to the big square to see the female star regardless of the weather.

It was only when he saw the replacement on the big screen that he crawled back like a bug again until the next day, day after day.

The boss comforted her: "Miss, don't be afraid, he won't hurt anyone, just run away if you see him."

(End of this chapter)

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