Chapter 1534 Imprisonment (39)

Female customers are still a little scared.

After shopping, I left in a hurry.

I was afraid that I would be targeted by that disgusting idiot.

When the vendors left, a kind aunt took a bun and placed it far in front of the man.

Then she left too.

On this long street, there is only garbage flying around, and a man who has passed out drunk.

From time to time, people who came home from get off work passed by, but they were far away from that person, as if he was some kind of plague virus, and he would be infected if he got closer.

The man who fell on the ground drank two sips of wine, then slowly propped himself up, and stood up staggeringly.

Take two steps, fall once, take two steps, fall again.

Stumbling, as if walking a long and incomparably long road with no end.

He didn't even touch the steamed stuffed bun left by Aunt Cai just now, as if he didn't see it.

Carrying only a nearly empty wine bottle, he kept walking, and kept walking.

He was clearly a walking corpse, without his mind, but he still knew that he had to walk to the street corner and head towards the central square.

Like a puppet doll being drawn.

Yun Si followed behind him, quietly watching him fall step by step.

I fell to the end, as if the whole body no longer felt pain, and the braces had fallen apart.

He kept walking, kept walking, for an unknown how long.

Walking all the way to the big square of the central shopping mall, holding the wine bottle, he suddenly stopped.

It was as if the soul returned to the body in an instant.

In the center of the city, there are many people and crowded.

But around this foul-smelling drunk, no one was willing to approach him, and consciously kept a distance of five meters away from him.

It became an abrupt empty circle.

He didn't seem to care, just moved slowly like this, stood there, looked up at the people on the big screen.

It was obviously just an advertisement, but he watched it extremely seriously and focused, as if he had lost his mind.

The whole person did not move, as if it had been frozen into a sculpture.

He was lifeless, but he could still see the only ray of light in his gray eyes.

In the turbidity, the last trace of clean purity remained.

It seemed that just looking at it had become his only thought and hope for living.

Really, just unique.

Yun Si stood quietly behind him, and slowly turned her gaze to the big screen.

With a bright screen, the people inside are glamorous and glamorous.

Like a proud and charming enchantress in an ivory tower, with a stunning crystal crown on her exquisite hair accessories, she is glamorous and unattainable.

She was smiling, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

The eyebrows are sultry and provocative, but the eyes are indifferent and alienated.

Rejecting people thousands of miles away, as if there is nothing in this world that can catch her eyes, and there is nothing that can keep her.

The drunken man just stared at it for a long time like he was stupid.

The eyes don't seem to feel sore, and the limbs don't seem to feel the cold.

Time passed by bit by bit, but his life seemed to be still, never fluctuating.

Like the Dead Sea, there is no life, only exhaustion.





Late at night and early in the morning.

The big screen finally went out.

There are very few people in the central square, almost all of them are homeless.

He randomly found a place to keep out the wind, and fell asleep.

Only the idiot-like man in the middle of the square was left, still motionless, as if he had died.

(End of this chapter)

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