Chapter 1536 Imprisonment (41)

"..." Yun Si was thinking about the possibility that he would not recognize her.

After staring at each other for two seconds, she gave a symbolic cough, and stretched out her hand to cover his eyes as if covering her ears.

After blocking his sight, with a thought, a bed appeared in the empty space.

Clean and warm big bed.

The man's eyes seemed to move, and some eyelashes lightly swept over her palm.

Some itchy.

Yun Si's hands trembled, and she was about to ask whether she should knock him out.

The next second, he fell towards her.

The whole body fell on her, and his hands were placed on her waist.

The hugging posture seems to be unconscious.

Yun Si opened her arms slightly, and her movements were a little stiff.

Feeling that he was hugging her, still tightening and exerting force.

It seems that all the strength has been exhausted.

Yun Si looked down at him.

His dry lips seemed to move under the messy hair.

Mechanically, it seems that it can only move up and down without making a sound.

He seemed to want to say something, but the weak and hoarse voice was so soft that it was almost impossible to catch it.

The smell of alcohol on his body was strong, but he still hugged her tightly, refusing to let go.

Yun Si approached and listened carefully, but his voice was too low.

In fact, it seemed that there was no sound at all.

Yun Si had no choice but to give up.

Looking at the bed, she moved and brought him over.

When he wanted to make him fall asleep, he held her hands, but they seemed to be stuck together, and he couldn't pull them apart no matter how hard he pulled.

Do not let go.

Under the stalemate, Yun Si sighed inwardly, and gently touched his face with tender affection.

"Qin Qing."

She was calling his name with clear and soft lips.

His cloudy eyeballs fluctuated for a moment.

"Live well, okay?"

She was in his ear, with a gentle voice, as if she was playing a trick on him.

Bewitching his mind, he gradually sank.

"Live well and come to me."

"I will be yours and will always be yours. As long live well, you can have me."

He stared at her stupidly without responding.

It seemed like I didn't hear it, and it seemed like... I was fascinated by it, and my mind was no longer clear.

Yun Si blew softly into his ear.

The warmth, almost instantly, dyed his ears red.

A blush gradually climbed up the pinnae.

With a shy softness.

Yun Si grabbed his hand and picked it up slowly.

He didn't resist, just stared at her without blinking.

The timing was just right, Yun Si slowly pushed him down on the bed.

He seemed to wake up for a moment, but soon, his hand was on her cheek.

Warm, yet incredibly delicate and beautiful.

The person who haunts his heart and dreams, is only one foot away from him at this moment.

She gently pushed back his hair, and looked at him tenderly with her beautiful eyes.

It was like the deadliest poison, knowing that it might be poisonous, but he was still like a fish that was dying of thirst, willing himself to eat it, and would rather sink into it forever.

The beauty gently stroked his broken face, and slowly approached.

When the soft lips were only a little away from him, her seductive voice bewitched and said, "Live well."

"Take care of yourself, then...come to me."

"As long as you come, I will always... fall in love with you..."

Forever, forever, only love you.

(End of this chapter)

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