Chapter 1537 Imprisonment (42)

She seemed to be smiling, and her eyes were full of light smiles.

Like a seductive and glamorous fox, he only likes to flirt, but he is not responsible.

The moment the kiss was about to fall, her bright eyes blinked.

Immediately, her figure suddenly disappeared like a dream, without warning.

The warm touch, the soft fragrance of flowers, everything is like a passing cloud, and after it dissipates, it can no longer be captured.

The man who was walking dead was left behind, staring at the direction of the void, motionless.

Everything returns to silence.





winter day.

When the snow fell from the ground, it drifted towards the quiet balcony following the direction of the wind.

Snowflakes have no weight, they only fly lightly, fall down, and finally melt by the warm window, turning into crystal clear water.

Warm inside.

When Yun Si woke up, the man beside her was still awake.

Maybe it was too late last night, or maybe it was because his spirit was completely relaxed.

He slept so soundly that he didn't even wake up.

Hugging her quietly, her hair was disheveled, her eyebrows and eyes were stretched, as if she had a good dream.

A wonderful dream.

In the dream, he was still holding her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

Yun Si looked at him for a long time.

Finally, she reached out and touched his face lightly.

As if afraid of waking him up, she didn't even use force.

Only touched it lightly, and then retracted the action.

Seeing that he was still sound asleep, she didn't bother him.

She leaned over and kissed him on the face, which was regarded as a good morning kiss.

Then, carefully, bit by bit, he removed his hand on her waist.

She finally got out of bed, because she was afraid of waking him up, she tried her best to move lightly.

After quickly changing his clothes, he glanced at the man who was still asleep on the bed.

She put on a mask, picked up her phone, and went out.





When the door of the room was closed, Li Mo was already waiting outside.

The little assistant immediately handed over the hot tea, "Morning Sisi."


Yun Si took it and warmed her hands.

"How is it, Miss Li?"

She walked towards the elevator and asked casually.

Li Mo didn't say much, and directly showed her today's hot search terms.

#Madden Bai Ling has an improper relationship with several directors#
#惊大星球actually became a mistress, and was beaten violently by the original partner in the street#
#Entertainment Circle Unspoken Rules#
#How good will be the role obtained by the physical body#
Not surprisingly, the hot search terms are almost all Bai Ling.

Bai Ling, who used to be pushy in the past, finally succeeded in dominating the screen today.

Yun Si glanced at it and scrolled down the entry.

"There is nothing that should not appear, right?"

Li Mo had an expression that I understood, "Don't worry, no."

Even if there are, the public's attention is already on the first few hot ones, who will pay attention to others?

Yun Si withdrew her hand and hummed, "Sister Li has worked hard."





But at the moment, the most difficult thing is the heroine of this hot search entry - Miss Bai Ling.

Sitting in the hotel room, Bai Ling was almost mad with anger.

Her agent, Jameson's phone kept ringing, just barely getting knocked off the hook.

Jameson couldn't handle it, so he had to turn off the phone.

But the next second, another personal phone rang.

This time, it was a call from the company's top management.

The situation can be said to be unmanageable.

Jameson didn't want to take it.

But after all, it was a call from the company, so he had to answer it.

(End of this chapter)

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