Chapter 1540 Imprisonment (45)

"..." Yun Si felt that there must be something wrong.

Seeing the pure and flawless divine power in front of her, she suddenly turned around and cupped his face.

Stare into his eyes, as if trying to see something through those eyes.


"When will you use spells?"

The man's gentle eyes curved slightly, they were naturally innocent and had a strange haze.

He also learned to hold her face in his arms, and gently replied, "You...guess?"

"Guess right, there is a reward."

"..." Yun Si glared at him, "Qin Qing! I'm not kidding you!"

What went wrong? How could he, a person with a sleeping consciousness, awaken his divine power? ? ?
This, this is simply impossible.

Qin Qing looked at her quietly and smiled.

Smile without saying a word.

Facing his gentle yet dim eyes, Yun Si was suddenly taken aback.

As if a picture flashed in her mind, she let go of him and took a step back.


What happened last night, was it a dream...or time and space?
Yun Si's face was a little stiff.

On the street...the wine bottle...he...

Is it a dream, or... a real... past time and space?

If it really happened...

That means, he saw her, and that night...

Saw the whole process of her disappearance.

He is so smart, he naturally knows that this cannot be explained by common sense.

Just a little more guesswork, maybe even a little more verification...

"..." Yun Si raised her eyes to look at him, her fingers trembling a little.

"How long have you been with me?"

The man looked at her with a smile, and approached slowly, step by step.

"Since our first meeting, we... have never been apart."

"Do you believe it? I'm always by your side, whether it's day... or night."

He was always there and never left her.

As she said, as long as he can live well...

He could have her, forever, forever.

"..." Yun Si was forced to retreat directly to the bed.

He leaned over, pinched her chin, lifted it up, and said softly: "You are really cute."

"Eat obediently, sleep obediently, and keep a distance from men obediently."

"Every night when I hug you to sleep, you will hug me obediently and let me kiss you."


Very well behaved.

"..." These words are horrifying when I think about them carefully.

Yun Si's back felt chills.

He said: "I like to dress you in beautiful dresses, and I like to tie and braid your hair."

"You are so cute, so I tell you I love you every day."

"..." Yun Si covered his mouth.

"do not talk!"

She was really scared.

The person with pale cheeks hugged him tightly, "I don't want to hear it anymore, normal, don't say any more."

He stared at her tenderly, smiling.

It seems very obedient.

Yun Si felt as if she was being burned, she withdrew her hand and avoided his sight.

"From now on, spells are not allowed."

His dark eyeballs moved, and he smiled, but didn't speak.

He only gently took her hand and put it to his lips to kiss, the movements were extremely familiar.

It's like doing it thousands of times.

Yun Si shrank her fingers and looked down at him.

"You promise me, don't do this."

She softened her voice and begged him.

"I'm really scared..."

He raised his head and stared at her quietly.

The poor man who fell in love with him, hugged him, and let his posture soften, "Don't be like this, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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