Chapter 1541 Imprisonment (46)

If she had known this, she shouldn't have softened her heart and said those things to him last night.

Poor little buried in his arms, thinking quietly.

But the man seemed to know what she was thinking.

He only stroked her back tenderly and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

"It's just... if you provoke me, you should be obedient and responsible."

"Otherwise... I don't guarantee that I will do something, are you right?"

"..." Little Poor bit her lips in humiliation.

This, madman...






In the room, there is a TV.

The noise downstairs was quieter. It seemed that many reporters were arrested for disturbing the order.

Yun Si lifted the curtain and took a look down. There were indeed fewer people downstairs, and the black fans also dispersed.

She lowered the curtain and thought for a while.

The man behind hugged her and kissed her ear.

"It's time to go." He said hoarsely.

Yun Si put down the curtain, "It's settled, I just go home for a few days and don't go anywhere."

"it is good."

Mr. Qin is naturally happy to hear and see.

Yun Si patted his hand, signaling him to let go.


Doorbell rang.

Mr. Qin's originally cheerful eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a gloomy look in his dark eyes.


Yun Si still patted his hand, "Don't make trouble, I'll open the door."

But Mr. Qin pushed her onto the bed.

Holding her down, her expression was as gentle as water, but her brows and eyes were tinged with a strange chill.

"I'll drive, be good and don't move."

"..." Why does she have the feeling that he always likes to treat her like a child?
Yun Si wanted to say that it would be more appropriate for her to drive, but he put his fingers lightly on her lips, signaling her to be quiet and be good.

Looking at his strangely gentle face and those extremely cloudy eyes, Yun Si was silent for a while, but did as she wanted.

Sitting on the bed, watching him walk over and open the door.





The door opened.

Outside the door, Bai Ling's sharp and crazy voice came.

"Go to hell—you bitch—"

The door was closed immediately, and the sound stopped.

Qin Qing went out, blocking the room with her sharp and ear-piercing voice.

Never heard again.

Yun Si was startled.

As if reacting to something, she wanted to get out of bed.

But unexpectedly, a dark purple chain suddenly appeared around her waist, directly locking her on the bed.

Can't move, can't leave.

Pull it, but keep pulling.

The chains transformed by divine power not only locked her body, but also locked her soul together.

Locked in this place, unable to escape even if you want to.

Like a caged beast with nowhere to go.

"..." Yun Si slammed the bed hard.




3 minutes later, or maybe less than 3 minutes at all.

Mr. Qin came back with a smile on his face.

Under the light, that half of the face with criss-crossed ravines looked like a ghost, which could almost be described as horror.

His eyeballs were very black, as black as if soaked in the blood of the dead.

Wrinkled disgusted face, with a slight smile.

Just by looking at it, one can unconsciously feel an extremely cold wind rushing towards the back.

Almost cold, extremely terrifying.

Yun Si watched him approach and sat down.

Slowly undo the chains around her waist.

He picked her up, put her on his lap, stroked her face tenderly, and smiled horribly.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" His voice was soft, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

(End of this chapter)

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