Chapter 1546 Imprisonment (End)

"Things have to have a beginning and an end, are you right? Good Si Si."


She watched him silently as he undid his belt.

"Don't worry, no one will disturb us this time."

"No one will ever take you away."

He coaxed gently, as if he was about to complete a big event solemnly.

With bare feet, the beautiful goblin sitting by the bed pursed her lips and turned her face away.

He knelt down slowly, took her hand, and offered his most sincere blessings like the most devout knight.

When the cold feeling came from her ring finger, Yun Si was taken aback and looked subconsciously.

But it was too late to watch.

What was once undone should now be done.

Like a ferocious beast, he crushed the poor and frail girl under him.

Start enjoying.

The word "marriage" is like the key to open the cage of trapped animals.

With the key, the cage... naturally opened.

The weak elf who was being suppressed pushed him.

But to no avail.


He gently clasped her wrist, like a bad guy coaxing children.

Yun Si blushed slightly, and avoided looking at him.




The process of enjoying is very, very long.

The poor girl didn't know how long it had been.

In the misty vision, she saw that the light outside the iron gate gradually brightened, and then gradually faded away.

Day and night have long been indistinguishable.

When it was finally finished, the poor goblin was almost exhausted.

Weakly closed his eyes and fell into a long deep sleep.

As for the satisfied pervert, his movements became more and more gentle.

Smoothing her hair, kissing her pink and soft cheeks.

Looking at her obediently lying in his arms, her lips were red and swollen.

The pervert stared at her deeply, rubbing the tip of her nose lightly.

Feeling her warm body temperature, it is like the most delicate rose in winter, exuding a charming and deadly warm fragrance.

She is his.

This cognition gave him an incomparably good feeling.

When the once unattainable dream finally came true one day, the bedbug hiding in the humble corner still had an unreal sense of mistyness.

It was as if everything was just a dream he had.

When I wake up from the dream, she is gone.

Mr. Pervert hugged her tightly.

Like exhausted all the strength.

As if in this way, the emptiness and barrenness in my heart can be dispelled.

As if in this way, we can truly feel satisfied and happy.

He thought, he finally...

Not alone anymore.





Qin Qing seemed to have had a dream.

In the dream, there is no her, no light, no warmth.

The only thing there is an extremely hot fire.

The raging fire soared into the sky.

It lit up the entire sky, and burned his entire world, leaving nothing left.

A warm home, a home full of laughter, everything is gone.

Loved ones, parents, best friends...

All died in the fire.

He has nothing left but a miserable and ugly life.

Sometimes he wonders, what is the meaning of his survival?Why, only he survived?
What's the use of surviving a person with nothing?

Unable to figure this out, he drank heavily every day.

I used all the money left by my relatives to buy wine.

Drink, drink till you're drunk.

Living in a daze every day, doing nothing, just waiting to die.

He might even think that he might as well get drunk and get poisoned, and just die.

(End of this chapter)

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