Chapter 1547 Prison Raising (Extra 1)

But life and death seem to have changed just at that moment.




In this life, facing the girl he loves, he has told many lies.

Because he didn't want to scare her, didn't want her to hate him, and didn't want her to see his ugly side.

He has lost count of how many times he has told lies.

The only thing I can remember clearly is that when he reunited with her again, he told her that he was her fan.

I like her very much.

This sentence is true.

He didn't know why he fell in love with such an unreachable person.

Perhaps it was because of excessive drinking, or perhaps it was because he hadn't fallen asleep for several days and nights.

He fell on the side of the street, and when he was most confused, he saw the person smiling at him.

She looked at him worriedly, and gently stretched out her hand to him, as if saying something gentle.

Very gentle, very gentle, so gentle that he suddenly wanted to cry.

I really want to ask, why did you show up?why……

Won't you come and hug me?
Perhaps for a person who is about to die, just a little unrealistic warmth can rekindle his fighting spirit to live.

So at that moment, he suddenly didn't want to die.

Suddenly I really want to hug her, I really want to tell her how uncomfortable and sad I am.




However, after waking up, I realized that it was just an advertisement.

An ad for charity.

Inside, she was smiling and saying the same thing over and over again.

It was supposed to be a very warm feeling, but it made his mood suddenly fall into the ice cellar.

He was thinking, so at that time she...

It's just his fantasy, and there are countless things to do.


He still noticed her inevitably.

She is beautiful, really beautiful.

He thought he had never seen a prettier girl than her.

He was obviously far away from him, but he was still like an attracted bug, involuntarily, he would set his eyes on the most delicate rose.

Stare at her for a whole day.

In the central square, her advertisements are often displayed on the big screen.

He will often visit her, even if it is to watch commercials.

He likes to see her in the moving pictures, likes to see her alive.

Sometimes after watching for a long time, he would even fantasize about what would happen to him if she really appeared in front of him?
Probably like a mouse, he would hide in his dark corner and dare not look at her, right?





She really showed up.

Appeared in front of a decadent and crippled man, and told him—to live a good life.

She is really beautiful, fragrant, and soft to hold.

Will touch him tenderly and smile at him.

She didn't dislike him, and said that she would be his.

As long as he went to her, she would be his.

And she would, always and forever, love him.

love him...

What a delightful word.

He has nothing left, nothing left but a rotten life.

In this world, no one would care about him, and no one would him.

Only her, she said--she would love him as long as he came.

As long as he lives well.




This was the only straw in his gloomy life.

How could he let go?

She's his...she's his...she's his...

This sentence has almost become the only one in his life.

Even if it is by any means, even if the world is destroyed, he still wants to get her, his one and only.

(End of this chapter)

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