Chapter 1552 Faith (2)

this morning.

Before starting a new day, Adam and Eve routinely knelt before the tree of life and prayed to their God.

"We are in the high heavens, and we love our heavenly Father. You are the true God who created the universe! Thank you for your gift. Because of your great power and love, and with your will, we have gone through this journey again. A happy day to live."

"Today, your children are praying silently here, with a heart of thanks and praise, to count the abundant anointing that you have poured out on us from your high throne in this day."


A light and leisurely laughter appeared out of nowhere, breaking this pious and sincere prayer.

Adam and Eve opened their eyes from prayer and looked over with displeasure.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but when I looked up, I found a woman in a black dress with a charming pendant, sitting on the tree of life they admired, shaking her snow-white legs, slowly.

Full of disrespect to God. .

Adam and Eve looked at each other.

Adam was the first to react, stood up, and said coldly, "Who are you? How dare you treat our beloved tree of life like this?"

The tree of life connects to the sky and is the only way for them to connect with God.

Such a sacred existence was actually treated as a plaything by this woman who came out of nowhere?

He felt his faith was insulted.

A charming and slim woman, wearing a beautiful crystal chain on her wrist and a slender red rope on her ankle, with bright eyebrows and burning eyes.

Sitting on the noble tree of life like this, sitting among the thick branches, swaying your legs slowly, is very meaningful.

"I... let me think... who am I..."

Her slender and crystal-clear fingers pointed at the rough tree trunk, as if she was very distressed.

On the gorgeous black dress, venomous snake patterns were looming, and her complexion was so fair that she was almost coquettishly beautiful.

Like the devil.

To bewitch the devil.

The beautiful devil lightly jumped and landed lightly on the soft grass.

Looking at Eve who was still kneeling there with charming eyes that seemed to be smiling, she said in a long tone, "Dear Eve, you are so pitiful."

"Look at you, this pregnancy makes you a lot older."

The glamorous person looked at her with pity, as if regretting.

Eve's eyes changed, and subconsciously, she put her hand on her lower abdomen.

No woman would like to hear others say that she is old, a woman who is more beautiful and stunning than her.

She immediately stood up and hid behind Adam.

"What's none of your business?" She retorted a little bit unwillingly, "I won't grow old, I will be with Adam and raise the child up."

Adam also said, "Eve is so pretty, you're lying."

The charming girl with red lips and snow skin in front of her smiled slightly deepened.

A hint of interesting interest flashed in the stunningly charming emerald green eyes.

His eyes were on Eve, and then on Adam, with a bit of meaning.






After completing the day's work, Adam and Eve continued to pray before going to bed under the tree of life.

They prayed to God, thanked God for his gift on this day, and sincerely hoped that God would bless them and spend every day safely and happily.

While praying, Adam closed his eyes and devoted himself completely to it.

(End of this chapter)

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