Chapter 1553 Faith (3)

And the devil girl sitting on the tree is holding her arms at this moment, looking at Eve with great interest.

At some point, Eve opened her eyes.

Although her posture still maintained a pious appearance, her heart seemed unable to calm down.

After meeting the devil girl's gaze, she immediately dodged away and closed her eyes again.

The glamorous devil on the tree, the red lips are slightly hooked, and the arc is slowly deepening.

He licked the evil little tiger's teeth, as if he had discovered something amusing.




After the prayer was finished, Adam warned the woman in the tree.

"Please come down, and you are not allowed to touch the noble tree of life."

Adam wanted to drive her down with a branch, but the tree of life was too high for the branch to reach.

He could only look at this evil woman, who used the noble tree of life as a plaything, and even picked off the precious leaves on it.

The beautiful woman was lazily motionless, leaning against the tree trunk as if she had no bones.

Smiling alluringly, it's not serious.

But the two people guarding the Garden of Eden had nothing to do with her.

Adam was so angry that he knelt down again, closed his eyes, and prayed sincerely to God.

Pray to God, to punish this lifeless woman, so that her whole life will be in pain.

The woman looked at Eve who was silent at the side.

"Look how much your man cares about me."

"He's even willing to pray to God for me."

Her charming and tactful words seemed to be stepping on her weakness.

Words stamp the heart.

"You're old and unattractive...will Adam fall in love with someone else?"

She was half lying there, her thin white and beautiful fingertips fell down and swayed slightly, as if mocking her.

One sentence, one sentence hits people's hearts.

Eve shook her head, "No, I don't believe it."

"We love each other so much, Adam will not betray me."

"Oh? Is it?"

A beautiful person means a lot.

"So, dear Eve, would you like to make a bet?"

"Just bet...whether Adam will fall in love with someone more beautiful."

Eve didn't even think about it, "Just bet."

"If you lose, please leave the Garden of Eden."

The devil in the black dress on the tree hooked his red lips, "Of course."





When Adam finished praying and opened his eyes again, the beautiful person on the tree had disappeared.

And Eve, who was kneeling aside, looked at him tenderly.

"Dear Adam, you don't fall in love with anyone, do you?"

"It's natural," Adam didn't understand why she asked, "you are my true love, who else can I fall in love with?"

"Even if there is a woman more beautiful than me, wouldn't you fall in love with her?"

Eve looked into Adam's eyes, as if asking questions.

Adam said, "Honey, I would like to swear in the name of God that I will always love you and no one else."

Eve snorted coldly and stood up.

"Who knows if what you said is true?"

She seemed a little distrustful of him.

Even if you swear in the name of God.

Adam didn't know why, "Don't you believe me? Honey."

Eve believed.


For some reason, seeing the woman's flicking movements, she still felt a little uneasy.

I always feel that Adam will do something sorry for her.

Eve went to the shelter they had built, which was covered with soft hay, perfect for sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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