Chapter 1554 Faith (4)

She lay down and stroked her belly gently.

Inside, there is already a fresh little life.

It was a gift of love from God to them, and she cared for it very carefully.

just adam...

Eve still inevitably touched her face.

It seems to be a little concerned.





late at night.

Bathed in the soft moonlight, the vigorous tree of life began to grow, with more dense branches and leaves.

Here is the source of life and the guarantee of the vitality of all things.

The girl in a black dress, as if she didn't feel the importance of it, lazily pressed on its fragile branches, and even started to swing.

The poor tree of life keeps dropping leaves while growing.

The leaves fell on the grass, and soon disappeared, turning into rich soil.

The girl lay there, squinting her eyes slightly, looking at the moon in the sky.

It seems a little boring.

She looked sideways, and beside the tree of life was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that God said could not be touched.

The tree of good and evil is full of tender and juicy fruits, one by one, crowded on the top of the tree like fat dolls, so many that there is almost no place for them.

But Adam and Eve always kept God's words in mind, and never got close to the tree of the knowledge of knowledge and evil.

The evil devil girl raised her eyebrows.

With a flick of his figure, he came to the Tree of Good and Evil.

Sitting there with one buttocks, plucked the fruit above, and took a bite without hesitation.

The sweet and juicy fruit is already ripe.

The devil girl licked her sharp canine teeth and picked another one.

One bite at a time, all the fruits on the tree were wiped out.

In the end, when there were only a few poor fruits left on the treetop, the wicked devil smiled thoughtfully.

God shall not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of knowledge and evil.

I can't eat it... so what if I eat it?
The girl thought wantonly, and randomly pinched a formula from her fingertips.

The crystal green light grows like a green vine, transforming into a butterfly, flying gently in mid-air.

The girl blew on the crystal green butterfly.

Green Butterfly then flew towards Adam and Eve as if consciously.

With two compiled dreams, she approached them quietly.

And Adam and Eve, who knew nothing, were closing their eyes and sinking into a dream at this moment.

In the dream, they were still in... the Garden of Eden.





Adam had a wonderful dream.

In the dream, he dutifully guarded the Garden of Eden and drove away the woman on the tree who had defamed God.

After the evil woman left, the tree of life also regained its former peace.

So he continued to pray every day, praying to God.

Ask the merciful God to continue to bless him with delicious food and a wonderful life.

The days in the dream passed by in a flash.

Soon, he dreamed that Eve gave birth to a lovely doll for him.

He and Eve were very happy, and the doll was well-behaved and healthy.

This is a gift from God and a blessing from God.

So Adam devoted himself to raising the children.

He taught the doll to speak, and taught the doll to pray to the revered God.

He will also tell the doll that God is their god, and that God should be his only belief.

Adam's dream is very happy. In the dream, there are only warm family members and God he admires.

Lying on the hay mat, with his eyes closed, he even smiled a happy and satisfied smile.

(End of this chapter)

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