Chapter 1555 Faith (5)

Eve also had a dream.

A very long, very long, and extremely real dream.

In the dream, she was also pregnant, and her belly was getting bigger and bigger.

Walking is getting harder and harder every day, even to the point where I need to be supported by someone.

But what is Adam doing?

Adam was flirting with the woman in the tree.

Adam seemed to be completely fascinated by that woman, and went to pick fresh fruit for her every day.

Give her the most vivid words of praise and offer her the most sincere emotions.

Even, for her, he had already forgotten to pray to God every day.

In order to win the beauty's smile, he pretended to be a dog under the tree, rolling over and over, acting funny, as if he had lost his mind.

Eve was very sad and wanted to stop him and win back his heart.

But Adam, who has fallen in love with another woman, has completely lost the appearance he swore at the beginning.

He pushed her away, calling her an old and ugly ugly bastard.

And told her to get out of the way and not appear in front of him.

And the vicious woman on the tree, just like watching a good show, teased and laughed, as if laughing at her innocence in the past.

The crisp and gentle smile was like the greatest mockery to her, making her feel the most embarrassing just by standing there.

Made her want to do something, desperately.

Eve woke up suddenly and sat up.

She was frightened by her extremely real dream, and she was extremely flustered.

She was afraid of losing Adam, and also afraid that she would grow old and lose her face.

She hugged herself, quietly, as if in a daze.

Looking aside at Adam, but didn't want to, she saw the smile on the corner of Adam's mouth.

A happy smile, like a very beautiful dream.

Eve panicked.

What is he dreaming about?Did you dream about that woman?

What would he do with that woman in his dream?
Will you do something to betray her?
Eve was getting scared.

She didn't want what happened in her dream to become reality.





Eve came to the tree of life and looked up at the beautiful demon on the tree that was bathing in the moonlight.

She said: "I won't bet with you anymore, the bet is cancelled, and there are too many things to do."

Under the moonlight, the flirtatious beauty with a pure white complexion slowly opened her emerald green eyes.

The red lips curled up vaguely.

"Why? Could it be... are you afraid?"

Her lightly and leisurely gaze fell, as if looking at a poor person.

Eve bit her lip, but didn't answer.

He just kept saying, "No more gambling, no more gambling, just no more gambling, the bet is cancelled."

The nasty yet delicate girl shook the crystal chain on her wrist and said, "Look, this poor woman."

She stretched lazily like a demon with wings spread.

Leaping down from the tree, her snow-white toes landed on the grass.

"Look carefully, there are wrinkles on the face."

She slowly raised her chin, as if regretting.

"Really, poor thing."

Eve turned her face away, "You are lying, I am not old."

"Hush—" the wicked man put his finger to his lips and made a silent gesture.

The charming eyes rolled around, and she hooked her hair again, like a demon who seduced people's hearts.

"I have a way to make you beautiful and young again."

"..." Eve remained silent, staring at the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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