Chapter 1556 Faith (6)

All she could hear was the delicate and warm person blowing on her ear, and said with concern and kindness:

"As long eat the fruit from the tree of good and evil, you can regain your youth and beauty."

"At that time, Adam will not fall in love with others."

She smiled viciously and looked at her with interest, like a child who deliberately broke a cup.

Bad as hell.

Eve was stunned, "However, we cannot touch the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

This is God's will, how could they blatantly violate it?
The bad beauty smiled, revealing two pointed canine teeth maliciously.

She said, "Can't you touch it?"

She raised her hand, and there were only a few fruits left on the tree, and another one fell.

It fell steadily into her hands, and the fresh and juicy fruit exuded an extremely alluring fragrance.

As if deliberately swaying in front of her, the bad girl said, "So what if I touch it?"

"As long as you don't tell... I don't tell, who will know?"

"..." Eve stared blankly at the delicious fruit.

It was like magic, hooking her gaze, making it hard for her to move away.

The wicked femme fatale took a bite in front of her.

When the fresh and sweet juice burst, she squinted her eyes slightly in enjoyment, and licked her red lips eagerly.

"It's delicious..."

Her crystal white fingers were covered with alluring juice.

Beautiful, but also has the ultimate bewitchment.

Juice was left along the wrist, and when it fell to the ground, the bad beauty was not surprised to see the person in front of her swallowing.

Staring straight at the forbidden fruit in her hand, she swallowed her saliva as if she had lost her soul.

The bad devil's smile deepened, and he took another bite.

Once the seeds of temptation are planted, then...

It's much easier to handle.

The man with a stomach full of bad water disappeared before her eyes.

He lay down on the tree of life again, dangling his legs comfortably, bathing in the moonlight.

Eve was left standing under the tree, looking at the thriving tree of knowledge of good and evil, not moving for a long time.





Day two.

When Adam was still praying devoutly under the tree of life, Eve's heart was no longer on it.

From time to time, she looked at the Tree of Good and Evil, the attractive fruits on it were glowing with moisture under the sunlight.

When the morning dew hung on it and fell slowly along the leaves, she seemed to be dumbfounded, staring straight at it, motionless.

The devil's words seemed to be still in his ears.

She said that as long as she ate the fruit of good and evil, she could become beautiful again, and Adam would love her forever.

This temptation is really too big, so big that Eve can't hold anything else in her heart.

After Adam finished praying, Eve couldn't help but said to him: "Honey, do you believe that there is a way to keep youth forever in this world?"

Adam was a little surprised, "What?"

Eve said: "The fruit of good and evil may be possible."

How clever Adam is, he reacted immediately.

"No, dear, we can't touch the fruit of good and evil, it's God's will, we can't go against God's will."

He always kept God's words in mind, and did not dare to overstep the rules.

But Eve said, "Just one, honey, just one."

"I lost a little one, as long as you don't tell me, and I don't tell you, God won't find out."

"..." Adam shook his head, extremely firm.

"My dear, please don't think so."

(End of this chapter)

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