Chapter 1559 Faith (9)

At this time, Adam, who was missing Eve, came to the tree of life.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

He saw the forbidden fruit in Eve's hand, perhaps it had just been picked, and it was still stained with the dew of the morning sun.

Moisturizing and attractive.

Eve couldn't help holding up the sweet forbidden fruit.

"Dear Adam, this was given to me by the devil."

Meaning, it wasn't her who picked it.

Adam's face changed, "Honey, didn't you promise me that you would never touch me again?"

He looked at the Tree of Knowledge and Evil.

On the tree, the branches that were originally full of fruit are now empty.

Almost all the ripe fruits have been picked off, leaving only a few green ones hanging on them pitifully.

Still working hard to grow and enrich myself.

Adam is not a fool, even if he wants to pretend to be deaf and dumb, the number of fruits on the tree of knowledge and evil is so obviously reduced, as long as someone comes to see it, they will definitely be discovered.

He snatched the forbidden fruit from Eve's hand, "Let's return it! Don't touch it again!"

But Eve held on to the poor fruit tightly and shook her head, "No, no, I didn't pick it, it was the devil who picked it."

Therefore, even if it is discovered, it should be the fault of that demon, not her.

Adam was a little out of breath.

"But we can't touch the Fruit of Good and Evil!"

This is God's will, they can't go against it a second time!
Poor Eve, who was pregnant, yelled, "If you can't touch us, we will touch it, so what if we touch it again?!"

She had already broken the jar, "Just this time, the last time, let me have a bite, dear Adam."

She begged bitterly, unwilling to give up the delicious food she had already obtained.

"Have pity on me, Adam, I really want to taste the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil again."

"There is also a child, the child also wants to taste the taste of this fruit again, my dear, don't you have the heart to watch us suffer and suffer like this?"

"How can you bear it? How can you bear it?"

she cried.

"I—" Adam stiffened his neck, but couldn't say a word.

Because he can't refute.

He loves her and would do anything for her.

Seeing that he seemed to have a tendency to let go, Eve immediately added, "Dear Adam, please don't worry, God will not blame us."

"This fruit was picked by the devil, and it was also given to me by her, so it is not considered stolen by us."

"So, dear Adam, please rest assured and enjoy it with peace of mind, we are not wrong, it is the devil who is wrong."

She seemed to be possessed by a gu, constantly brainwashing Adam.

Put aside the mistakes I made, and put all the responsibility on the devil.

Erlang's legs were crossed on the tree, and the bad devil swayed slowly, showing its sharp teeth and smiling wickedly.

It's like a child who has done something bad but still doesn't know how to repent, and is still admiring the consequences caused by her.

Simply broken to the core.





Adam still succumbed, succumbed to Eve's brainwashing.

He felt that what Eve said made sense, all this was the fault of that demon, not them.

If there were no demons, they would not think about touching the forbidden fruit, nor would they violate the agreement with God.

So, it's all demons, and it's all her fault.

Thinking this way, Adam divided the forbidden fruit into two.

One for Eve and one for myself.

Eve quickly ate her portion.

(End of this chapter)

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