Chapter 1560 Faith (10)

Holding his share, Adam hesitated a little.

In his heart, the belief in God still exists, but for some reason, the belief in his heart does not seem to be as firm as it used to be.

It seems that something has been broken, and the faith in my heart is a little shaky.

This made him flustered for no reason.

But Eve was still urging him, "Eat, honey, eat quickly."

"If you don't eat it, it won't be fresh."

Adam withdrew his thoughts and listened to Eve's words in a daze.

So, he also ate the half of the forbidden fruit.

Sweet and delicious.

He couldn't even control it and licked his hand.

It's like reminiscing.

On the treetops, the snow-skinned red-lipped demon girl showed a triumphant smile.

I am extremely satisfied with these two people who cannot resist the temptation.

Under the sun, her pure black and soft skirt was slightly black.

The bright snake-like dark lines on it are looming.

Like a sinister and cunning poisonous snake, it is hissing and spitting out snake letters, showing an evil smile.

Straight up and downright bad.





Adam and Eve, after all, made a big mistake.

When the merciful and holy God descended under the tree of life, Adam and Eve, as believers, felt his presence immediately.

Adam, who was pulling weeds, trembled his lips, as if all the strength in his hands had been lost.

He looked at Eve, poor Eve, whose face was already pale at the moment.

His fingers were trembling, as if he couldn't even stand up.


She leaned against him pitifully and helplessly, "We..."

"Please don't be afraid, dear Eve."

He thought that the merciful God would understand them.

As long as they can explain the reason clearly, the reasonable and good God will understand them.

"Come on, dear."

He carefully lifted Eve up.

Eve bit her lip, clutched her belly, her body was precarious.





The coming of God covered the entire Garden of Eden with bright and soft colors.

The flowers are blooming more, trying their best to bloom delicate petals;
The tree grows thicker, with its head held high, showing its strong torso.

The birds sang more joyously, jumped down from the branches, landed on the grass, and saluted the Creator under the tree to show their respect.

The holy Creator in a pure white robe holds a scepter, and his long fingers are as cool as frost and snow, and the roots are like jade, which is extremely perfect.

He looked into the distance, his deep golden eyes were gentle and compassionate.

The beautiful figure like ice and snow, bathed in the sun, gives people a warm and beautiful sense of yearning.

Stunning features, soft lips, the holy creator cannot be touched, but the whole body exudes a fragile beauty that makes people want to be abused.

It looks like a delicate pure white flower bone, pure, and makes people want to do more with it.

not far away.

Lying by the river, the devil girl basking in the sun slowly opened her beautiful green eyes, which symbolize evil.

Green like a snake, weak and boneless like a snake, cunning and vicious.

Her nose seemed to take a deep breath, sniffing the air.

Familiar, but also has a restless and passionate smell.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was about to taste something delicious, she licked her red lips slowly.

Under the warm spring sunshine, she raised her lips vaguely, revealing her evil little fangs.

Began to try it out.

(End of this chapter)

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