Chapter 1561 Faith (11)

Adam and Eve knelt down devoutly before the benevolent God, thanking God for coming.

The divine youth who was as cool as ice and snow was quietly looking into the distance.

The pious believers who knelt before him, perhaps because of guilty conscience, their heads were deeply attached to the ground, almost buried.

The benevolent God didn't speak, and they kept this posture all the time, motionless, even though their bodies were already stiff.

After an unknown amount of time, the eyes of the holy and pure white youth finally fell on them.

Compassionate and gentle eyes seemed to carry endless tolerance and pity.

Abraham, the servant of God, looked down at the two poor ignorant believers and spoke.

"People who claim to be believers, do you know what mistakes you have made?"

Adam and Eve knelt pale, their bodies trembling.

Adam, who knew he had made a big mistake, prayed pitifully, "Dear and respectable God, please forgive us who are ignorant."

"All of this is not what we wanted. We all regret and blame ourselves for the big mistake we made."

"If we were given another chance, I don't think we would dare again, never make such a mistake again."

He shed tears of remorse pitifully.

Maybe it was because he was afraid of being punished, or maybe it was because he knew that he had defiled the sacred belief in his heart.

He knelt there, begging God's forgiveness pitifully.

And the pure and beautiful young man in front of them looked at them with gentle and compassionate eyes, his lips were as soft as cherry blossoms, and his voice was as warm as the sun.

He asked softly, "You guys, what mistake did you make?"

The tone was neither light nor serious, like a gentle inquiry, or like - before the trial, the last supper.

It makes people relax unconsciously, and wants to take out all the pain and annoyance in their hearts and offer them wholeheartedly.

With tears in his eyes, believer Adam said pitifully, "Dear God, in this world, nothing can be hidden from you."

"Forgive the believers for concealing your ignorance. It is the believers who made a mistake, violated the agreement with you, and secretly enjoyed the forbidden fruit."

"Believers have committed a crime and are willing to be punished. I only ask you to forgive us who are ignorant, so that we can continue to be your believers, pray for you, and offer you everything we have."

Eve also shed tears and regretted it.

She clutched her belly that had given birth to life, and begged even more.

"Dear and respectable God, please forgive us once, these are all done by that damned devil, she is the one who tempted us."

"If you want to punish, please punish that evil devil severely, let her fall into hell forever and suffer the eclipse of the holy fire."

The gentle and benevolent God lowered his eyes, and his compassionate gaze was as warm as the sun as always.

He quietly listened to the believer's confession without making a sound.

God servant Abraham laughed, "A devil?"

"Just two words from the devil, are you being fooled?"

"Professing to be a believer, but in my heart, can I be so unsteady, so easily believe a devil's words?"

"..." Eve's lips trembled, tears streaming down her face.

Both remorse and bewilderment.

Forgive her for not knowing—how she was obsessed and lost her mind at that time, so she just listened to that devil's words.

Obviously, she looks so malicious and evil.

(End of this chapter)

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