Chapter 1574 Faith (24)

Cecia played with her long hair, and the crystal bracelet on her wrist was bright and beautiful.

Looking at the lovely and innocent angels in front of her, she rolled her eyes.

With her stomach full of bad water, she leaned over and curled her lips slightly like a bad guy who wanted to kidnap a child.

"So... do you want to know what mistake I made?"


Pairs of curious big eyes looked over eagerly.

"Can you tell us, Cecia."

Cecia made a shh gesture.

"Then let's make a deal."

"I tell you a secret, and you tell me a secret."

"it is good!"

The angels agreed without thinking.

Not the slightest thought.

The evil charming angel, the contemptuous arc on his lips deepened slightly.

Like, a fun game is about to start.





Heaven is boundless white.

The soft sun shines on this side consistently, giving endless warmth.

Chesia, who had inquired about the news from the mouths of the angels, flapped her wings and left the heaven.

Soon, she came to the dark hell - a place full of demons and fallen angels.

Here, whether it is a demon or a fallen angel, their wings are black.

Represents evil and darkness.

When Chesia flapped its wings and slowly landed on this piece of land, some demons laughed fiercely.

Not afraid of death to speak out to tease her.

"Dear Cesia, I haven't seen you for a long time, your figure is really getting better and better."

"I have been spending the night with Heavenly Father. I didn't come back so soon?"

Heavenly Father, that is, God.

The glamorous and unparalleled Cesia glanced at him emotionally.

When she was extremely unhappy, she didn't even bother to give an expression.

Just ignore it.

"Where's Lucifer?"

She grabbed a little devil at random and asked.

The little devil was dumbfounded, and opened his mouth: " the eyes of hell."

The Eye of Hell is where many fallen angels gather.

Filled with hatred for the Lord of God, and hostility.

Cecia didn't intend to go into the muddy water, but said to the silly little devil, "Tell him, I don't need him to take care of my affairs in the future."

After that, she didn't intend to be associated with bad demons.

The little devil nodded foolishly, not knowing whether he listened or not.

Cecia turned and left.




However, it is easy to come, but it is not easy to go.

It is rare for such a beautiful and charming angel to appear in the hell where female angels have always been. The demons are very eager to move.

They stood in front of Cesia, showing a smile that they thought was charming.

They crowded together, as if they wanted to tease her.

"Cecia, don't go, stay with us."

"That's right, what's the rush? Please stay and let us serve you well."

"Trust us, we will do our best."

"..." The glamorous angel with snow skin and red lips narrowed her eyes slightly.

The slender body, surrounded by circles, is like a weak rose surrounded by wild beasts.

Hard to resist.

The demons seemed to have taken a fancy to this, and became bolder.

Facing such an increasingly dangerous situation, the glamorous Chesia lowered her eyelids and raised her wrist, her movements were still somewhat careless.

(End of this chapter)

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