Chapter 1575 Faith (25)

The beautiful crystal bracelet on her wrist was shining brightly, and she was about to make a move.

But unexpectedly, from her body, a soft and warm light suddenly lit up.

But despite this, these lights are almost fatal to demons.

Chesia paused.

Accompanied by the painful screams of the surrounding demons, and the panic of fleeing for their lives, she blinked and looked down at herself.

Ever since she accidentally sucked his blood, her body has always felt warm.

It's like being enveloped by the sun.

And the burst of light made her body feel even warmer.

It was as if some power had merged into her body.

Chesia fixedly looked at his hands, and then at the wounded demons around him.

She raised her eyebrows, wondering if she should be happy for a moment.

I'm happy because I don't need to do it myself;

Unhappy because she couldn't figure out what the blood of God would do to her body.

But seeing the demons dying and being injured, she pondered for a while.

She didn't want to understand how the blood might affect her, so she didn't stop there.

Flap its wings and fly away in no time.





Above the white clouds.

After a day of hard work, the angels can finally rest.

They lay contentedly among the clouds and closed their eyes.

The warm sunlight shone on them, like an invisible thin quilt, gently caring for them.

So, in such a comfortable environment, the beautiful angels soon fell asleep.

Even when they were asleep, there were still sweet smiles on their pink and jade-carved little faces.

Clean and nice.

At this time, the evil Charming Angel was lying on a cloud, with his legs crossed and shaking slightly.

Under the warmth of the sun, the slender black wings on her body were also covered with a soft golden veil.

She carelessly played with her long hair, and her beautiful green eyes stared at the underside of the clouds, as if she was waiting for something.

It's a pity that after waiting for a long time, she was a little sleepy.

The good time never came.

The girl who gradually became lazy yawned.

Staring at the magnificent palace below, muttering to himself.

"Why haven't you left yet..."

It stands to reason that those old rigids should also leave.




The angel fell into a dream, and the warm sun rose to its highest point.

Every day at this time, the servants of the gods in the temple will retreat consciously, leaving a space where no one is there, allowing the gods to meditate alone.

"During this period, no one will disturb the Lord, and no one will be able to break into the temple. The Lord will seal off all perception until the meditation is completed."

The words of the little angels were still in their ears, and Chesia shook her slender legs, chatting in every possible way.

Wait patiently for the best time to come.




I don't know how long it took.

From a distance, Chesia saw the ten servants of God and began to pray to the Lord.

Praise his great achievements and be grateful for his kindness and virtue.

Because of the angle, Checia was above the clouds and couldn't see where the Lord was at all.

All I could see was that the servants of the gods retreated respectfully and closed the gate of the temple.

The door made a clear and long sound, implying that meditation is about to begin.

Cecia rested her chin and stared at it without blinking.

After the ten servants stepped back, their figures disappeared very quickly.

The pilgrims left the temple empty.

(End of this chapter)

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