Chapter 1576 Faith (26)

After waiting patiently for a while, the bad angel, full of bad water, flapped his wings and flew up.

Like a magic spell, she took out a bundle of ropes from behind her.

I pulled it hard, as if to check its strength.

The beautiful charming angel flapped its wings and landed in the temple silently.

When the toes landed, the ground was icy cold, like a cold cellar.

She put the rope behind her, her beautiful green eyes stared straight at the god on the holy seat, and approached little by little with light steps.

At this moment, the god has already fallen into the meditation of Jing Shi, with his eyes closed and his silver hair shining like brilliance.

The flawless face like frost and snow, in the silent temple, is like the most perfect porcelain, beautiful, delicate and fragile.

His appearance is very deceiving.

The beautiful and weak face is the best weapon to confuse people, luring the prey forward step by step.

Evil Angel of Charm, barefoot, stepping up the stairs one step at a time.

On the slender and white wrist, the crystal chain refracted the bright light, making her look as gorgeous as poppies.

The appearance is as hot as fire.

She stood in front of the seemingly fragile and beautiful young man, her beautiful eyes staring quietly.

As if contemplating the possibility of getting out unscathed.

She is not a fool, so she naturally knows that if she binds him, she will receive extremely severe revenge.

Being tied up on the undead mountain, and being pecked off by eagles every day?

Being cut off limbs and suffering the pain of being whipped every day?

Or let her lose her strength and become the most despicable slave for eternity?
Cecia thought through all the possible consequences.

Before she started, she had already thought about her future.

She looked down at her own rope.

Suddenly he hesitated.

Tied... is equal to death.

Not tied... She couldn't swallow this breath.

Being turned into a cat for no reason, and being bullied for such a long time, anyone would feel wronged.

Cesia stared quietly at the beautiful young man with his eyes closed, the bundle in his hand remained still.

He had obviously made a plan, but he stood there all the time without taking any action.

He just bowed his head and curled his lips.

...Forget it, what if you tie him up?
At most, it's just two slaps to vent your anger.

Are you still going to let him go?
At the last moment, the man who returned to his senses put away the rope.

Still didn't choose to make a big mistake.

But the devil angel who has revenge must vent his anger.

She looked at the icy and snow-like god, and slowly bent down.

He reached out and gently covered his face.

He is warm, whether it is hands or cheeks.

The tentacles felt warm and soft, and Chessia could even see his curly eyelashes from a close distance, with distinct roots.

He closed his eyes and closed his five senses, just like a beautiful god who had no desire, no desire, no joy and no anger.

Snow-colored skin, compassionate eyebrows, and those extremely soft lips.

The charming angel who has always been used to being wanton, but at this moment, he seemed to be bewitched, staring at his flawless appearance, unmoved.

Gently, for fear of accidentally touching such a pure and flawless person.

Looking at his face up close, Cecia suddenly felt that she wasn't so angry anymore.

At least, he didn't do anything to her, and the punishment wasn't too heavy.

While comforting himself like this, he stroked his extremely beautiful face like a gangster.

(End of this chapter)

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