Chapter 1577 Faith (27)

Gently and softly, she moved closer to him bit by bit.

Perhaps it was because of the drop of blood, or perhaps it was because his heart was beating too enthusiastically.

For some reason, the closer Chesia got to him, the more he felt his body heat up.

From the spine and coccyx, one after another, rushed to her chest, so warm that she even felt restless.

The wings behind her have already spread out because of this stimulation.

A gust of wind was blown in mid-air, as if this could dispel some of the hotness in her body.

Cecia's fair cheeks soon turned a delicate blush.

There was also a slight mist in the beautiful eyeballs, as if she was a little dizzy.

Probably because the distance was too close, she felt that the air was filled with the smell of God.

Faint, there is an indescribable dizzying fragrance.

This strange feeling was too strong, so strong that Cecia faintly felt something was wrong.

But the man with his eyes closed in front of him seemed to have some magical power, and was always attracting her.

The overly cold and fragile beauty on her body made her unable to bear it, wanting to do something to him.

Cecia stared at the god for a long time with watery eyes.

In the end, she was like a prey who was being lured and lost her mind, and gently covered her up.

She was kissing him, unconsciously.

When the soft and warm touch came, it was almost as if an electric current was passing through her wings, and the beautiful feathers shone with a light golden light.

The hot feeling in her heart seemed to be overflowing, making her heart beat violently, endlessly.

The evil angel, when doing such a thing against her belief, obviously, she has long forgotten the oath of loyalty.

Offending her faith, on the altar, she made such an arrogance to the flawless god.

But she still doesn't know.

Still eating the marrow and knowing the taste, bit by bit, doing offensive things to the supreme God.

Almost, he made an unprecedented and extremely serious mistake.

The beautiful and cold god, with his eyes closed, is like a fragile flower bud that can be picked by others, without the ability to resist.

Just let such an evil angel offend him over and over again.

Until, the soft lips were stained with the brightest red color.

Charming, yet breathtakingly beautiful.




When Cecia's mind returned, her wanton movements stopped suddenly.

The misty eyes instantly cleared a little.

Her body froze for a few seconds, and she looked at her masterpiece with her head down.

The cold yet fragile and beautiful god, on the snow-white face, the lips have been kissed and swollen, like delicate and trembling petals.

He leaned there, his robes a little messy.

The long fingers with perfect bone shape, like a powerless puppet, rest on the side.

The beautiful abdominal muscles and the dripping and smooth mermaid lines are faintly revealed under the holy robe.

And she, who was so brave enough to sit on his lap, put her restless hand on it and stroked it for a long time.

"..." Cecia's face was slightly stiff, and the hands on his abdominal muscles were trembling.

For some reason, she was fascinated for a moment, making her unable to control what she did to him, and now...

Almost instantly, she withdrew her hand as if she was being burned.

I know that I have made a big mistake, which cannot be forgiven.

She stood up stiffly and wanted to run.

Run to a place where he can't find her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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