Chapter 1585 Faith (35)

How ironic it is to say it, a Lord who can only pretend to be merciful, would say such words that are close to himself.

Lucifer's eyes, sharp as an eagle's beak, scanned the two people on the Holy Throne intensely and aggressively.

Holding the trident, he suddenly had an astonishing idea in his mind.

He looked at the benevolent and powerful lord gloomily, and suddenly showed a dangerous smile.

It seems to be mocking, and it seems to be mocking.

"My couldn't be...bewitched by Cesia, right?"

"You're in love with her, aren't you?"

As soon as Lucifer's astonishing words came out, almost the entire temple fell silent.

No one dared to make a sound, or even breathe, for fear of disturbing the silence of this place.

And the girl buried in the arms of the god slowly opened her eyes.

A trace of unknown emotion flashed through Qingming's beautiful green pupils.

No one noticed.




Lucifer's rebellious and earth-shattering thoughts made the god servants present feel unbelievable at first.

They subconsciously refuted in their hearts, and the words that refuted Lucifer were astonishing.

In their eyes, the Lord is the most loving existence.

The Lord loves all beings, no matter who they are.

But the love of the Lord is fraternal and selfless.

instead of...

They all looked at the gods on the Holy Throne.

The eyes of seeking knowledge and anticipation are the signal of believers expressing their most loyal beliefs.

They don't believe the words of Lucifer, the evil fallen angel.

Therefore, they hoped that the Lord would refute Lucifer and make him realize how stupid, ignorant, and presumptuous what he said was.

"Love the great Lord, please severely punish this stupid traitor. His ignorant and arrogant words are simply unbearable."

Servant Abraham said loudly: "If you don't punish him severely, the temple will become dark and the order of the world will become chaotic."

"And all of this is because of him!"

Lucifer deepened his smile.

Looking at the supposedly holy and fraternal Lord above, and the unparalleled beauty of the young girl.

It seems that he has made up his mind.

Even if he clearly knows that the Lord has no desires or selfish feelings.

But at this moment, the lord on the Holy Throne has been hugging the beautiful young girl, and his actions are unabashedly loving.

He loves her much more than he loves the believers.

Otherwise, why wouldn't he let go?

Let her go, let her go.

"Lord, you are in love with her, but do you dare to admit it?"

Lucifer laughed, "I guess, you dare not."

Because he is a coward.

The merciful and gentle god on the holy seat, with light golden warm eyes, calm and indifferent.

He gently stroked the girl in his arms, his lips as light as cherry blossoms seemed to rise.

With a slight arc, he seemed to be smiling, but the temperature was a little cold.

Bitter cold.

He said softly: "Are you trying to provoke me? Lucifer."

Trying to step on his limit, prod him over and over again, make him angry.

Lucifer showed an expected evil smile.

"Sure enough, you dare not answer this question."

Lord...the Lord who loves all living beings also has questions that cannot be answered.

Because he didn't dare, and he couldn't...

Lucifer laughed wantonly.

"Go on fooling yourself, poor Lord."

"Continue to convince your believers that you have no selfishness."

(End of this chapter)

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