Chapter 1586 Faith (36)

Lucifer's arrogant laughter echoed in the temple, like a spell, lingering in the hearts of everyone present.

After he left, the coldness and silence of the past returned to the temple.

The ten god servants stood guard in front of the divine pillar as usual without making a sound.

But maybe it was because of listening to Lucifer's words, or maybe it was because his heart was gradually shaken.

Their eyes were all turned to the Lord on the Holy Throne.

He is their belief, and when they encounter confusion in their hearts, they will naturally ask him for the first time, hoping that he can answer their confusion for them.

When their eyes touched the evil girl in the arms of the God Lord, the confusion in their hearts increased even more.

I want to urgently solve the confusion, and I want to serve the Lord more undividedly.

Abraham stepped forward, knelt down devoutly, and prayed.

"Love and love the great Heavenly Father, I beg for your kindness, and please give us a word to answer the confusion in our hearts."

"If we can get your answer, we will be very grateful, and we will pray for you every day, and thank you for your gift."

The rest of the servants of the gods also echoed in unison.

"Dear Heavenly Father, please give alms to the poor believers. Your gift will be the greatest glory we are proud of."

The heavenly father on the holy seat embraced the beautiful young girl, his eyes were gentle and gentle.

His deep eyes stared at the devout believers below, and the scepter beside him shone with a soft and pure golden light.

For the devout and longing prayers of believers, the benevolent Heavenly Father will naturally satisfy their reasonable wishes.

Answer their confusions.

He looked tenderly at the girl in his arms.

The beautiful girl also raised her head and looked at him quietly.

The beautiful eyeballs just stared at him without blinking.

He also seems to be very curious about how he will answer the confusion of the believers.

I also want to know-


Did he really have no selfish intentions and fall in love with her?
The benevolent and loving Heavenly Father gently caressed her delicate and smooth face.

With a slight smile, his voice is as warm as the sun, and he is kind and kind.

He said, "Cesia, I love you very much."

When the soft and ethereal divine words fell, all the believers opened their eyes wide.


But Heavenly Father still looked at everyone with compassion.

With deep and beautiful eyes, staring at the poor believers below, he said:
"Because you are children."

The love for children is naturally universal and equal.

What Lucifer said is wrong.

The devout believers read the words of the Lord over and over again.

After understanding the implication, they couldn't help showing happy smiles.

Like innocent children, let go of the stone in their hearts.

Choose to believe unwaveringly.

They understood—the Lord loves Checia because she is His child.

Other than that, there is no other reason.

Therefore, they believed that the Lord's love for Checia was the same as his love for them, not much more than them.

And that evil Lucifer was only trying to provoke their relationship with the Lord, that's why he said such absurd and deviant words.

As a result, the believers who were relieved became happy and began to sing loudly about the Lord's benevolence.

Be steadfast in your faith in the Lord.

Believe in the word of the Lord.

They told themselves in their hearts that no matter what that evil Lucifer said, they would never believe it again.

Because—the word of the Lord is everything.

(End of this chapter)

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